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List of Organisations

Children on the Move,

The Global Conference on Children on the Move provided a space for diverse stakeholders – including representatives from governments, civil society, multilateral institutions and the private sector – to discuss and advocate for a strong global strategy on protecting the rights of children on the move and other children affected by migration. 

Neelima Choahan - The Age,

Department of Health and Human Services secret report reveals that vulnerable children are being exposed to more risk in kinship care placements in Victoria, due to lack of assessments or monitoring of kinship placements by child protection workers. 

Ray Yeh, Desmond Ng, & Sumithra Prasanna - CNA Insider,

This article features the 6-part web-series "Manufacturing Orphanages," which follows of Jyothi Svahn as she returns to India several years after her adoption in search of her birth family and reveals the "demand-driven" nature of the international adoption system and how it fuels the trafficking of poor children living in residential care.

Brian Heilman, Ruti Levtov, Nikki van der Gaag, Alexa Hassink, and Gary Barker, with contributions from Wessel van den Berg - MenCare,

Produced by MenCare, the second State of the World's Fathers report provides a worldwide analysis of fatherhood and caregiving. Drawing on global research and statistics, this report serves as an advocacy tool for MenCare's global fatherhood campaign and proposes a call to action for policy and practice around the world. 

CPC Learning Network,

The CPC Learning Network’s Beth Rubenstein and Matt MacFarlane will host a webinar on Friday, June 9th, at 10am EDT to share findings and lessons learned from two pilots of the Measuring Separation in Emergencies (MSiE) project, an inter-agency initiative intended to strengthen emergency response programs for unaccompanied and separated children. They will also offer recommendations for next steps in the development of tools and methods in the field.

MenCare & Inter-Agency Group,

This video from MenCare Campaign describes the campaign's efforts in over 40 countries to overcome stigma, gender discrimination, and violence and empower men to become equal partners in caring for children. 

Moses Opobo - The New Times ,

The first week of June 2017 marked the conclusion of the three month 'Tubarerere Mu Muryango' (Let’s raise children in families) campaign in Rwanda. A joint effort led by Mashirika Performing Arts and Media Company, the campaign used theater, artwork and poetry to reach out to parents, caregivers and local authorities to promote support for Rwanda's recent efforts toward safe reintegration of children in orphanages/institutions into family based care in the country.


The SIRCC annual conference is the only dedicated residential child care conference in the UK. The residential child care sector and associated professions will explore how professionals can work together to provide a sense of family, care and support, while nurturing, comforting and providing a home within the boundaries of the residential child care system. 

T.J. Mudau, O.S. Obadire, and C. Mananga - Journal of Human Ecology,

The study explored the health challenges faced by orphans living with extended families in South Africa. 

T. Lobi and J. G. Kheswa - Journal of Human Ecology,

This systematic review draws from previous research to provide a broad picture of the challenges of adolescent females in child-headed households in South Africa.