
Displaying 2811 - 2820 of 4204

List of Organisations

The Coalition for Children Affected by AIDS,

This briefing highlights the burdens children affected by HIV and AIDS face


This document is an evaluation of Retrak’s reintegration of street children and community-based child protection project in SNNPR, Ethiopia.

Jennifer C. Davidson, Ian Milligan, Neil Quinn, Nigel Cantwell & Susan Elseley - European Journal of Social Work,

This paper draws on the literature and practice examples from around the world to examine the fundamental challenges experienced by States in their efforts to implement the 'suitability principle,' as described in the Guidelines for the Alternative Care for Children

Annie E. Casey Foundation,

This report explores ways for public agencies to ensure that children receive the care they need by enlisting more volunteers to step forward as foster parents and by encouraging the extraordinary individuals who have already answered the call to continue their commitment to care. The report identifies three major themes for engaging and empowering foster parents: ensuring quality caregiving for children; forging strong relationships; and, finding and keeping more amazing caregivers.

African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child,

The Africa’s Agenda for Children, to be adopted by the Committee, presents measurable goals and priority areas  to which the African Union and its Member States commit themselves for the coming 25 years.  

Sarah McClure,

In this piece from FusionTV, Nelufar Hedayat travels to Democratic Republic of Congo to investigate the relationship between international adoption and child trafficking.

SOS Children's Villages,

SOS Children’s Villages is organising the Conference “Children’s Rights in Alternative Care: Walk the Talk!” taking place in Paris on 8th November, under the patronage of Ms Laurence Rossignol, Minister for the Family, Children and Women’s Rights. 

Moira Donovan - CBC News,

Nova Scotia will be the only province that does not allow birth mothers and adult adopted children to obtain information about one another. 

Shanifa Nasser - CBC New Toronto,

New Canadian child welfare law allows children to have a say in their care.

Victoria N. Mutiso, Christine W. Musyimi, Albert Tele, David M. Ndetei - Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology,

The objective of the study was to estimate the prevalence, comorbidity and socio-demographic correlates of common mental disorders among orphan and vulnerable children (OVCs) in residential care.