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List of Organisations

Almudena Moreno - Journal of Children's Services,

The purpose of this paper is to map the current organisation and implementation of children’s services in three regions of Spain, to identify strengths and gaps and to suggest proposals for improvement in line with European recommendations.

Theodore Koumelis - Travel Daily News, Asia Pacific,

According to the article, the ChildSafe Movement has now “revamped” its company certification, which recognizes tourism companies for their dedication to child protection and commitment to ChildSafe’s 7 Standards by granting them a “ChildSafe Certification.” 

Sir Martin Narey - UK Department for Education,

This analysis was produced as part of an independent review into children's residential care in England and provides data on children living in all types of residential care facilities in the country as of 31 March 2015. 

Florence Martin & Katie Rice - Better Care Network & Save the Children UK ,

This document is an adapted presentation created by Florence Martin of Better Care Network and Katie Rice of Save the Children UK describing the Tracking Progress Initiative.

Silvie Bovarnick and Sara Scott,

This briefing is based on a rapid assessment of the available evidence relevant to CSE prevention education. It brings together key messages from research and evaluation about what works to prevent sexual exploitation and promote healthy relationships.

Better Volunteering Better Care,

This infographic produced by Better Volunteering Better Care explains in an accessible way why we should say NO to international volunteering in orphanages (residential care centres). 

Kathryn E. van Doore - The International Journal of Children's Rights,

“Paper Orphans: Exploring Child Trafficking for the Purpose of Orphanages” serves as a legal analysis of child trafficking for the purpose of filling orphanages.  This paper focuses on the displacement of the child and intends to determine whether or not this displacement can be determined as trafficking under international law.

Jini L. Roby, JD, MSW, MS - Global Social Service Workforce Alliance,

The purpose of this report is to review the current conditions of the global social workforce.  This study is meant to identify critical gaps in order prioritize current workforce strengthening research.

Child Frontiers on behalf of the Systems Strengthening and Disaster Risk Reduction Task Force - co-led by the CPC Learning Network and Plan International,

The aims of this document are to: 1. Provide an overview of child protection systems strengthening in emergencies practice to date, and based on this, 2. Propose certain key considerations with regards to systems for child protection practitioners. 


This issue of Innocenti's Adolescence Research Digest includes recent news, events, and other updates as well as links to some of the latest research on adolescents and violence, health, education, street-connected youth and more.