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List of Organisations

ACCI Missions and Relief,

This tool was designed to help those seeking to assist Christian faith-based actors involved in long-term residential care programs make the transition from institutional to non-institutional (family and community-based) child welfare programs. It was written to give some insight into what this journey called ‘deinstitutionalisation’ might look like and what steps and processes might be involved. Whilst it contains a brief overview of the technical stages, its main purpose is to guide you through the process of achieving buy-in and is not intended to be a technical deinstitutionalisation manual.

Hope and Homes for Children,

This publication includes common questions and answers on the implications of institutional care and why it should be ended. 

Hope and Homes for Children,

Décadas de investigaciones comprueban que el crecimiento de un niño en una institución posee un impacto nocivo en cuanto a lo psicológico, lo emocional y lo físico, incluyendo trastornos de vinculación, retrasos cognitivos y en el desarrollo, y una falta de capacidades sociales y para la vida que luego concluyen en múltiples desventajas durante la adultez. 

Hope and Homes for Children,

Décadas de pesquisas comprovam que o crescimento em instituições de acolhida gera consequências psicológicas, emocionais e físicas, incluindo transtornos de apego, atrasos cognitivos e no desenvolvimento, e uma falta de habilidades sociais e de competências para a vida, trazendo diversas desvantagens na idade adulta.

Hope and Homes for Children,

This policy paper from Hope and Homes for Children calls on all the stakeholders that play a role in developing, running, supporting or influencing national care systems to join forces in a collaborative action to eradicate institutional care once and for all.

Beth Bradford, Kerry Olson, Sarah Gesiriech, and Daphne Fowler - Faith to Action Initiative,

Le présent Manuel d’orientation fournit des informations et des outils utiles pour les églises, les organisations confessionnelles, les donateurs et autres acteurs qui font passer la garde des enfants du placement en institution au placement en famille.

Beth Bradford, Kerry Olson, Sarah Gesiriech, and Daphne Fowler - Faith to Action Initiative,

Este Manual de Orientación provee información y herramientas útiles para iglesias, organizaciones religiosas, donantes y otros que persiguen transferir el cuidado de niños que son atendidos en residencias al cuidado en una familia.


This volume of the Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care includes a collections of articles, reflections and reviews covering a wide range of subjects from taking a fresh look at leaving care interactions, to exploring the role of storytelling in social care practice.

K. Bhuvaneswari & Sibnath Deb - Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care,

This paper aims to understand the functioning of institution in protecting the rights of children who are in need of care and protection and highlight measures for revamping the institutional care and revolutionizing family care.

World Health Organization (WHO),

The global plan of action is a technical document informed by evidence, best practices and existing WHO technical guidance.