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List of Organisations

Human Rights Council Side event,

This Human Rights Council Side event included presentations on family separation in the African, Asian, European, and Latin American contexts. 

World Health Organization,

The 7th Milestones of a Global Campaign for Violence Prevention Meeting - hosted by the World Health Organization (WHO) at its Executive Boardroom in Geneva, Switzerland - will focus on child maltreatment and youth violence, among other topics. 

Chloe Sanguinetti,

This 28-minute documentary film, by filmmaker Chloe Sanguinetti, explores the phenomenon of “voluntourism,” a recent trend in which people, typically young people from Western countries, travel to countries in the Global South to volunteer.

Aarti Betigeri - ABC News,

This article discusses the work of Against Child Trafficking (ACT), a Europe-based NGO that has been involved in child protection and adoption issues, to help adoptees from India to locate their birth families. 

Gillian Huebner - The Huffington Post Blog,

This article describes the negative impacts of institutionalization on children and highlights the advocacy work of Lumos and other organizations to include children deprived of family care in the upcoming UN Sustainable Development Goals.



This animated video from Lumos, narrated by Lumos founder J.K. Rowling, illustrates the “tragic consequences of orphanage care,” and argues that more can and should be done to support families to care for their children, eliminating the use of institutional care. 


Institutions are invited to submit a proposal by 10:00 AM EST, 04 September 2015.

Florence Martin & Garazi Zulaika,

Florence Martin, director of the Better Care Network, presented on the need for better data on children’s living and care arrangements at the 5th International Conference of the International Society for Child Indicators: “From Welfare to Well-being: Child Indicators in Research, Policy & Practice.”

Anna Wood - Educo, Plan International, Save the Children, War Child & World Vision,

This report presents findings of a survey designed to document experience and examples of practice in setting up feedback and complaint mechanisms that are accessible to children in the programmes of five international non-governmental organisations: Educo, Plan International, Save the Children UK, War Child UK and World Vision.

The Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children,

This strategy explains how The Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children plans to prevent and respond to violence against children over the next five years. It will provide a platform to accelerate efforts to make girls and boys safe in the future, with the aim of delivering targets to end all forms of violence against children by 2030.