
Displaying 3661 - 3670 of 4204

List of Organisations

UNICEF Headquarters,

The purpose of the assignment is to explore the veracity of the hypothesis based on a literature review and specific country case studies exploring whether child protection systems are able to mitigate child protection risks and facilitate responses during and in the immediate aftermath of a natural disaster.

United Nations Development Group ,

Good practices covered in this publication have sought to address specific constraints and challenges in achieving the Goals, in each country’s context, with specific examples related to care and protection for vulnerable children.

BCN Secretariat ,

In June 2010, the Committee on the Rights of the Child issued its Concluding Observations to countries reviewed during the Committee's 54th session. This brief summarizes the UNCRC observations regarding alternative care.

EveryChild ,

This child friendly report was produced to provide feedback to children who took part in the consultations for for developing EveryChild's conceptual framework -Every child deserves a family. Aimed at children 11 years and older, it can be used to initiate discussions about a loss of parental care and care and protection issues for youth.

Overseas Development Institute ,

This briefing paper draws on ODI’s research on social protection and gender in eight countries and three regions funded by DFID and AusAID and discusses how social protection interventions can promote an inter¬linked gender-sensitive approach to the MDGs.

DFID Civil Society Organisations Child Rights Working Group ,

The evidence presented in this paper shows that insufficient attention paid to equity across and within generations has devastating impacts for the achievement of the MDGs and for the wellbeing of children now and in the future.


This report argues that a failure to provide proper care and protection for children is hindering progress in the achievement of many of the MDGs.


The handbook provides operational guidance and tools to support effective protection responses in situations of internal displacement.

Journal of the International AIDS Society ,

The special issue brings together the rationale for family-centred services for children affected by HIV and AIDS and some of the available evidence for the effectiveness of integrating treatment and care into the broader context of family-support schemes

Interagency Panel on Juvenile Justice (IPJJ),

The Interagency Panel on Juvenile Justice seeks a part time Secretariat Coordinator to be based in Geneva, Switzerland