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List of Organisations

Better Care Network and UNICEF,

Manual to assist countries in strengthening their information system around children in formal care through data collection around 15 global indicators

Better Care Network and UNICEF Headquarters ,

The information collection tools from the Manual for the Measurement of Indicators for Children in Formal Care - a manual to assist countries in strengthening their information system around children in formal care through data collection around 15 global indicators.

Ruth Gilbert, Cathy Spatz Widom, Kevin Browne, David Fergusson, Elspeth Webb, Staffan Janson,

This paper is the first in a series of four papers that aim to critically assess the expanding evidence base on child maltreatment with the aim of informing policy and practice relating to child maltreatment. The series focuses mainly on high-income countries and eastern European countries that are in economic transition, since the problem and systems for response differ in low-income and many middle-income countries. This first paper of the Series aims to quantify the magnitude of the problem, its determinants, and consequences.


Examines data on progress, emerging evidence, and current knowledge and practice for children as they relate to four programme areas

IRC, Save the Children and UNICEF,

Sample documents to the Information Management System


Evaluation of the need for increased understanding and inclusive responses to highly marginalized and separated children.

UNICEF and Irish Aid,

Summary of past successes and future priorities in responding to children affected by HIV and AIDS

Better Care Network,

BCN is collecting resources to be included in our new toolkit for practicioners supporting the delivery of better care to children and youth.

Better Care Network,

BCN is collecting resources to be included in our new toolkit for practicioners supporting the delivery of better care to children and youth.


UNICEF, together with WHO, UNAIDS, UNFPA and WFP, invites you to the Mexico 2008 AIDS satellite session on "Keeping the promise: Unite for Children. Unite against AIDS". The session will take place on Monday, 4 August, from 6:30PM to 8:30PM in the Banamex Conference Center, Session Room 4.