
Displaying 3991 - 4000 of 4204

List of Organisations

World Vision HIV/AIDS Hope Initiative,

Comprehensive toolkit and resource pack for mobilising community-led OVC care. Includes detailed resources for training home visitors.

Judy El-Bushra and Ibrahim M. G. Sahl,

Examines the impact of war on gender relations. Discusses the role of gender relations in creating conflict.


Concise guide designed to aid the implementation of best practice principles concerning the disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration of child soldiers. Includes a risk-analysis matrix and a results-based grid for programme proposal evaluations.

Jane Lowicki,

Discusses specific steps to expand on policy guidelines for youth protection and care. Includes list of additional practical resources.

United Nations Inter-Agency Standing Committee,

Comprehensive guidelines for dealing with the planning, establishment, and coordination of multisectoral interventions to prevent and respond to sexual and gender-based violence.

Save the Children,

Guidelines for good practices in conducting assessments following an emergency.

Mark van Ommeren, Shekhar Saxena, and Benedetto Saraceno,

A summary of the debate on the value of PTSD and trauma-focused care during and after acute emergencies. Argues for and outlines distinct intervention strategies to be considered for acute emergency and post-emergency phases.

Nora Ellen Groce,

Documents a unique survey on the impact of AIDS on populations of disabled people. Particular emphasis on identifying disability-specific concerns.

Rene DeMarco,

Comprehensive framework and resource guide intended to aid a situation analysis of orphans and vulnerable children. Includes relevant example analyses to illustrate the available variety of approaches and their components.


A simple, one-page form designed to assess child protection needs in immediate relief situations.