Eastern Africa

Displaying 441 - 450 of 1525

List of Organisations

Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development, and UNICEF Uganda, with support from the Uganda Bureau of Statistics,

This situation analysis explores multidimensional poverty in Uganda, including an examination of both material and social needs of children – including health care and education, a social and family life, clean and safe drinking water, housing that is not squalid and overcrowded, adequate clothing, and regular meals with sufficient and nutritious food.

UNICEF Madagascar,

L’objectif de la consultation est d’appuyer le Ministère de la Population, de la Protection Sociale et de la Promotion de la Femme (MPPSPF) pour la finalisation du Projet de décret réglementant le dispositif des familles d’accueil et l’élaboration de son exposé de motif.

Matthew MacFarlane, Beth L. Rubenstein, Terry Saw, Daniel Mekonnen, Craig Spencer and Lindsay Stark - BMC International Health and Human Rights,

In this study, a mobile phone-based surveillance system was established in a drought-affected district in northern Ethiopia to assess the feasibility of using community focal points to monitor cases of unaccompanied and separated children.

Epaphrodite Nsabimana, Eugène Rutembesa, Peter Wilhelm, Chantal Martin Soelch - Frontiers in Psychiatry,

This study aimed at investigating specifically whether institutionalization impacts negatively children’s psychological adjustment defined in terms of externalizing behavior, internalizing behavior and self-esteem and whether having living parents has additional influence. Ninety-five institutionalized and 82 not institutionalized children in Rwanda, aged 9 to 16, participated in the study.

Thomas Selemane,

Este estudo sobre o impacto das uniões prematuras na educação, saúde e nutrição, da iniciativa da Rede da Sociedade Civil para os Direitos da Criança (ROSC) e realizado no âmbito das actividades da Coligação para a Eliminação dos Casamentos Premat

War Child,

This report by War Child aims to bring global attention to the challenges related to the reintegration of children associated with armed forces and groups, and promote better policy, practice and funding in the future.

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

This paper from the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action summarises findings from an initial scoping study, which seeks to review how child protection outcomes are captured when monitoring multi-purpose humanitarian cash programmes. The paper proposes a theory of change of the possible links between cash and child protection to inform the development of a monitoring strategy, including hypotheses that humanitarian cash might contribute to prevention of family separation, reduction of family violence, and supporting foster and temporary caregivers to care for separated and unaccompanied children.

Camilla Jones and Payal Saksena -Family for Every Child,

This report explores what family means to children and adults in five countries using the digital storytelling technique.

Gillian Mann y Emma de Vise-Lewis - Family for Every Child,

Pese a que hay un consenso sobre la importancia del cuidado efectivo en las familias para los niños, existe una falta de discusión y acuerdo sobre los componentes precisos de este cuidado. Este informe contribuye a debatir sobre este importante tema al proporcionar perspectivas de los grupos focales con 198 niños y 81 adultos de Brasil, Colombia, Egipto, México, Rusia, Ruanda y Zimbabue.