Western Africa

Displaying 421 - 430 of 604

List of Organisations

Service Social international ,

Une immersion au sein du Réseau Afrique de l'Ouest (RAO)  pour la protection des enfants en Afrique de l'Ouest). Ce réseau prend en charge individuellement les enfants vulnérables entre les 15 pays de la sous-région pour les réintégrer socialement et professionnellement.

Frédérique Boursin - Terre des Hommes,

A l’heure actuelle, Tdh ayant surtout expérimenté et valorisé cette approche pour l’accompagnement des enfants en situation de mobilité, le présent document fait un focus sur cette catégorie d’enfants, et de manière plus spécifique dans un contexte de migration de travail, l’une des causes principales de la mobilité des enfants en Afrique de l’ouest.

The African Child Policy Forum ,

This report, from the African Child Policy Forum, is aimed at informing and accelerating pan-African, regional and national efforts to prevent and respond to violence against children.

SOS Children’s Villages and the University of Bedfordshire ,

This report from SOS Children’s Villages and the University of Bedfordshire provides reviews and assessments of the implementation of the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children in 21 countries around the world.

Better Volunteering, Better Care ,

This overview is intended to contribute to discussions on international volunteering in residential care centres as an anecdotal research piece on the situation in Ghana.

Government of Liberia, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare - USAID, Maestral International, Save the Children, World Learning,

The Guidelines for Kinship Care, Foster Care and Supported Independent Living in Liberia are intended to provide harmonized national guidance for child welfare practitioners in order to improve the quality of family-based alternative care services in Liberia, particularly for children without appropriate care (CWAC).

SOS Children’s Villages, Centre for Excellence for Looked After Children in Scotland, University of Malawi,

This report is based on a synthesis of eight assessments of the implementation of the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children (“the Guidelines”) in Benin, Gambia, Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Togo, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Parenting in Africa Network (PAN),

This publication, produced by the Parenting in Africa Network (PAN), highlights the skillful parenting practices of several pastoral communities in Africa. 

YONECO & Parenting in Africa Network,

This report summarises the presentations and conclusions from the 2nd Pan-African annual conference on parenting held on the 16-17th October 2013 in Malawi on the theme of "Understanding realities of teenage parenting: a special focus on adolescents (boys and girls) with parenting responsibilities."

UNICEF Sénégal ,

Termes de Références pour le recrutement d’un consultant international pour guider une initiative de recherche : comprendre et améliorer les mécanismes informels de protection de remplacement pour une meilleure prise en charge et une meilleure protection des enfants – Regard sur la prise en charge par des proches et le confiage au Sénégal.