Western Africa

Displaying 501 - 510 of 604

List of Organisations

Human Rights Watch,

This report is based on 11 weeks of field research in Senegal and Guinea-Bissau between November 2009 and February 2010.

Human Rights Watch ,

Human Rights Watch report on the illicit practices of forced child begging and other abuses perpetrated against children in residential Quranic schools. Includes recommendations to government entities on action needed to reverse abuse and neglect of children in these situations.

Government of Liberia, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare ,

Regulations and tools designed to create the basis for reforming welfare institutions for the safe and appropriate administration of alternative care.


Collection of abstracts from conference presentations

ANPPCAN and Conference Delegates,

Summary of conference delegates' declarations and recommendations

Ahmed Bawa Kuyini, Abdul Razak Alhassan, Inga Tollerud, Hanne Weld, Iddi Haruna - Child & Family Social Work,

For this study, surveys were employed to explore the experiences of children in care and their carers about traditional fostering.

Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Government of the Republic of Liberia,

This Social Welfare Policy is intended to provide direction for reforming the social welfare sector in Liberia.

Laetitia Bazzi-Veil - UNICEF West and Central Africa Regional Office,

The objective of this report is to review the initiatives carried out in the last four years in West and Central African countries with regard to child protection information and monitoring systems. 

Plan West Africa,

Study investigating the psychosocial impact of different high risk situations in West and Central Africa such as trafficking, ethnic cleansing, armed conflict or parental loss.

UNICEF Regional Office for West and Central Africa,

Focuses on children’s vulnerabilities and risks related to an absence of protection from violence, abuse and neglect, and the ways in which measures to address such vulnerabilities and risks can be more effectively integrated into social protection policy frameworks in the West and Central Africa region.