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List of Organisations

Matilde Luna - RELAF,

This paper, produced by RELAF, is part of a series of publications on children without parental care in Latin America: Contexts, causes and answers. This document, and others in the series, pertains to the broad topic of children without parental care and examines the particular situation of institutionalised children.


Ce Guide est un outil pour la mise en œuvre des Lignes Directrices relatives à la Protection de Remplacement pour les Enfants. Ses orientations en matière de droits de l’homme s’adressent aux opérateurs professionnels et aux personnes qui travaillent dans les institutions gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, mais aussi aux preneurs de décisions aux différents niveaux des Etats, aux autorités judiciaires, aux législateurs, etc. 

Office of the Children's Advocate ,

Findings of a study aimed to determine the effectiveness and the efficiency of the Foster Care Programme, assess the treatment of children in Foster Care, assess the adherence to child rights in the provision of Foster Care, provide policy direction for the enhancement of the Programme.

Terre des Hommes ,

Des milliers d’enfants vivent dans des centres résidentiels (orphelinats et crèches) en Haïti. a plupart d’entre eux ne sont pas orphelins mais ont été placés dans ces centres car leurs familles vivent en grandes difficultés matérielles, sociales ou économiques ou sont installées dans des localités où le manque d’accès aux services de base (santé et éducation) est un vrai défi. Leur protection est un réel enjeu pour les organismes de protection de l’enfance. 


This paper aims to show different organisations, institutions, governments and civil society the reality facing thousands of children in Latin America. This information can be used as a tool for debating and prioritising the issue as well as promoting constructing good practices and public policies that will improve the wellbeing and chances to develop of children without parental care and/or who are at risk of losing

Annie E. Casey Foundation ,

Practical information for agencies and advocates working with this Haitian children and families following the January 2010 earthquake, with special guidance on filing federal Temporary Protective Status applications.


Report looking at the milestones met and challenges ahead in responding to the needs of children and communities in earthquake affected Haiti. Includes reporting on child protection specific needs and the situation of children without parental care.

Terre des Hommes,

La loi doit empêcher les trafics d’enfants sous couvert d’adoption en Haïti, et les organismes de protection de l’enfance devront prendre part à la surveillance du bureau national des adoptions à créer. L’experte de Terre des hommes (Tdh) rentre d’une mission qui lui a permis de rencontrer des acteurs-clés, avant l’examen par le Sénat haïtien de la loi sur les adoptions. 

RELAF and SOS Children’s Villages International,

This paper is based on The Latin American Report: The situation of children in Latin America without parental care or at risk of losing it. Contexts, causes and responses, which was prepared using reports from 13 countries in the region. The paper gives an overview of the state of one of the most fundamental rights - the right to parental care, a keystone for the right to live in a family and a community.


Comprehensive update on the situation and responses underway following January’s Earthquake in Haiti. Reports on the full spectrum of the response including health, nutrition, education, early childhood development and the scale-up of protection mechanisms to prevent exploitation and abuse of children.