South America

Displaying 311 - 320 of 332

List of Organisations

Helen Schulte,

Examination of Chile Solidario social protection programme which shows that the focus of policy makers and researchers should be on integration of cash transfers within broader social protection policies.

Kathy Lindert, Anja Linder, Jason Hobbs, and Bénédicte de la Brière,

Highlights key features of the the Bolsa Familia conditional cash transfer (CCT) Program, such as its design and implementation.

Ministry of Human Services and Social Security ,

A set of standards for measurable quality in service provision for children living in homes. Outlines the rights of a child, planning and legalizing children’s care, children’s home administration, management and staffing, and safeguarding child welfare while in the home, which includes nutrition, health, education and religion.

Emanuela Galasso,

Evaluates the effect of an anti-poverty program, Chile Solidario, during its first two years of operation. Estimate the impact of the program on a large array of socio-economic outcomes including education, health, housing, and employment. Finds also suggest the key role that psycho-social support had in enabling this change, by increasing awareness of social services in the community as well as households’ orientation towards the future.

Andrew Dunn and John Parry-Williams - UNICEF,

Detailed guidelines for the establishment of the Child Protection Service (CPS), designed to address the lack of regulations concerning standards in children’s institutions and the lack of departmental policy and procedures for assessing and assisting abused and at-risk children. Includes comprehensive set of CPS forms in 14 annexes.


Evaluates global improvements in nutrition as progress towards achieving the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs). Suggests that the MDGs are attainable only with re-prioritization of efforts to reduce child undernutrition.

Laura B. Rawlings and Gloria M. Rubio ,

This paper examines the short-term impact of conditional cash transfer programs in comparison to traditional social assistance programs. Programs in Colombia, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua and Turkey are highlighted.

Alain de Janvry, Frederico Finan, Elisabeth Sadoulet, Donald Nelson, Kathy Lindert, Benedict de la Briere, and Peter Lanjouw ,

Evaluation of the Bolsa Escola Program, which was a Brazilian social services program that provided cash transfers to families provided that their school-aged children would be enrolled in and attending school. Examines how beneficiaries were selected, registered, and monitored. Cites inconsistencies in implementation and roles of municipal governments as significant finding.

Laura Rawlings ,

This paper examines the impact of conditional cash transfers in Latin America. It illustrates successful short-term impact, but recommends continued evaluation to assess the long-term impact.

The Research Institute of Applied Economy (IPEA) and the National Council of the Rights of the Child and Adolescent (CONANDA),

This research study provides statistical information on institutional care of children under the age of 12 in Brazil. Interviews with institutions and children are conducted, and reasons for separation from family, length of time in care, status of family relationship, religious orientation and financial support of the institutions are highlighted.