
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in the Americas. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Kyle Edwards - MSN,

In this video, Reporter Kyle Edwards explains how the government has helped to contribute to the overrepresentation of Indigenous children in Canada's foster care system.

Ana Beltran & Heidi Redlich Epstein - Child Law Practice Today,

National organizations working on behalf of kinship families have several exciting resources to share with the field. This article from the Child Law Practice Today July/August 2017 Issue on Kinship Care highlights some of those resources.

Ana Beltran - Child Law Practice Today,

This article from the Child Law Practice Today July/August 2017 Issue on Kinship Care outlines policy and practice tips for supporting grandparents raising grandchildren due to the current opioid and heroin epidemic in the US.

Claire Chiamulera - Child Law Practice Today,

In this article from the Child Law Practice Today July/August 2017 Issue on Kinship Care, Los Angeles Judge Michael Nash, Ret. shares court and agency strategies to engage and support relatives for children and families involved in the child welfare system in the US.

Heidi Redlich Epstein & Elizabeth Christy - Child Law Practice Today,

Providing relative caregivers the same financial benefits and supports as nonrelative foster caregivers is the focus of ongoing US federal litigation described in this article from the Child Law Practice Today July/August 2017 Issue on Kinship Care. The litigation addresses the equitable treatment of relatives who care for children in the child welfare system.

Mary Bissell - Child Law Practice Today,

This article from the Child Law Practice Today July/August 2017 Issue on Kinship Care describes a national campaign launched by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, with other national stakeholders, to transform foster parenting by changing the way systems and communities partner with foster parents to help children stay safe, heal, and thrive in their own families and communities. The article highlights the considerations identified by kinship foster families as fundamental to feeling supported by child welfare systems and providing the best possible care.

Jennifer Miller - Child Law Practice Today,

This article from the Child Law Practice Today July/August 2017 Issue on Kinship Care summarizes seven steps to create a kin-first culture—one in which child welfare stakeholders consistently promote kinship placement, help children in foster care maintain connections with their families, and tailor services and supports to the needs of kinship foster families.

Heidi Redlich Epstein,

This article from the Child Law Practice Today July/August 2017 Issue on Kinship Care explores kinship care in the US, including its benefits to children and families.

Andrew D. Reynolds, Robert G. Hasson III, Thomas M. Crea - Children and Youth Services Review,

The current study tests the ‘overburdening’ hypothesis that examines whether taking on the demands of work and school at the same time could overwhelm and actually hinder the healthy development of youth as they transition from foster care. 

Ka Brian Ho Chor, Hanno Petras, Alfred G. Pérez - Journal of Child and Family Studies,

This sudy sought to deepen understanding of the underlying patterns of services receipt of the  John F. Chafee Foster Care Independence Program (CFCIP) to prepare for youth’s successful transition to adulthood. The authors used multi-level latent class analysis (MLCA) to identify underlying combinations of service receipt that may be influenced by youth-level and state-level characteristics.