
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in the Americas. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations


UNICEF is seeking a Child Protection Specialist to develop and support UNICEF programmes around prevention and response to violence against children and social welfare systems strengening, including family support, adoption, alternative care and social protection. 

Antonio Garcia - Social Work Helper,

Poorly delivered services by the strained U.S. child protection system cause considerable harm to children placed in care. Transforming the child welfare system will require evidenced-based changes in service delivery, including: improved and ongoing training to child welfare workers, enhanced preventive efforts, and the reallocation of resources. 

Joanna Gasiorowska - Al Jazeera,

This news report describes how the foreign financing of orphanages in Haiti fuels the growth of a corrupt orphanage industry and enables unregistered institutions in the country to continue operating outside the law.

Jamaica Observer,

The Social and Health Management software (SOHEMA) Child Case Management System (CCMS), a new software system in Jamaica, will allow child protection officers to upload and track cases of children in the child protection system. 

Jordan Press, The Canadian Press ,

A Canadian study found that 3 in 5 homeless youth had experience with the child welfare system, a rate 193 times higher than the general public. 

Naomi Nichols; Kaitlin Schwan; Stephen Gaetz; Melanie Redman; David French; Sean A. Kidd; Bill O'Grady - Canadian Observatory on Homelessness Press,

A recent Canadian study on youth homelessness revealed that youth experiencing homelessness are 193 times more likely to report interactions with the child welfare system. This policy brief offers a snapshot of the situation for homeless youth with experience in care, an analysis of the structures and systems leaving these children behind, and recommendations for policy and practice. 

Disability Rights International ,

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights has called for urgent action to reintegrate children and psychiatric detainees who have been living in institutions into their communities

Derecho fácil, Ministerio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos,

Este recurso describe Ley 27.364 de Argentina, Programa de acompañamiento a jóvenes sin cuidados parentales.​

Rebecca D. Webster, Jeremy Wente, Sheri R. Parris, and Adrian V. Rus - Child Maltreatment in Residential Care,

This chapter in Child Maltreatment in Residential Care provides a brief history of congregate care in the United States and the experiences of maltreatment of children and youth within congregate care settings as they shifted over time. 

Afton R. Kirk, Christina J. Groark, and Robert B. McCall - Child Maltreatment in Residential Care,

This chapter from Child Maltreatment in Residential Care provides an overview of institutional care in Latin America and the Carribean, describes current efforts toward deinsitutionalization and child care reform in the region, and discusses practical suggestions for further research and reform.