Southeastern Asia

Displaying 281 - 290 of 731

List of Organisations

UNICEF Cambodia,

The objective of this evaluation was to provide evidence that can help strengthen performance and accountability with UNICEF’s work with the Royal Government of Cambodia and the myriad other authorities and organizations involved in child protection.

Professor Dame Carolyn Hamilton, Kara Apland, Elizabeth Yarrow & Dr Anna Mackin, with support provided by Soksan Tem & Phally Keo, on behalf of Coram International - UNICEF Cambodia,

This second volume of Promoting and Protecting the Rights of Children: A Formative Evaluation of UNICEF’s Child Protection Programme in Cambodia includes the annexes referred to in the first volume.

Professor Dame Carolyn Hamilton, Kara Apland, Elizabeth Yarrow & Dr Anna Mackin, with support provided by Soksan Tem & Phally Keo, on behalf of Coram International - UNICEF Cambodia,

The objective of this evaluation was to provide evidence that can help strengthen performance and accountability with UNICEF’s work with the Royal Government of Cambodia and the myriad other authorities and organizations involved in child protection.

UNICEF Myanmar,

United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Myanmar Country Office wishes to procure the services of Quantitative & Qualitative Assessment of Residential Care Facilities in Myanmar.


UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN’S FUND (UNICEF) wishes to invite eligible firm to submit a proposal for: Support implementation of the Cambodia PROTECT Strategy through the development of communication materials, and the design and the delivery of a training of trainers (ToT) for the community engagement component.


UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN’S FUND (UNICEF) wishes to invite eligible firm to submit a proposal for: Design and implement the ICTs component of the Cambodia PROTECT Strategy including the establishment and management of a website and social media platform such as Facebook and Youtube, and the production of Interactive Voice Response (IVR) and Short Message Service (SMS) messages.

Together for Girls,

This fact sheet presents country-specific data from the Violence Against Children Survey (VACS) in Cambodia.

Faizah Haji Mas’ud - Residential Child and Youth Care in a Developing World: Global Perspectives,

This chapter from Residential Child and Youth Care in a Developing World: Global Perspectives focuses on the institutional care of children and young people deemed ‘at risk’ according to current Malaysian law on child welfare: Malaysian Child Act (2001).

Forget Me Not and The Umbrella Foundation,

This animated video from Forget Me Not and The Umbrella Foundation, tells the story of a young child placed in an orphanage and highlights the pain and trauma of family separation, the impacts of a revolving door of volunteers on children in institutions, and the ways in which volunteering fuels the orphanage industry.


This video shines a light on the work of the USAID-supported Partnership Program for the Protection of Children (3PC), a network of community support services in Cambodia, to keep children safe and families together.