Southeastern Asia

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List of Organisations

Better Care Network and the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance,

This working paper, produced by the Better Care Network and the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance, explores the topic of social service workforce strengthening as it relates to child care reform.

Tess Guiney & Mary Mostafanezhad - Tourist Studies,

Taking a Polanyian political economy approach, this article illustrates how the emergence of and response to the orphanage tourism industry represent, in Karl Polanyi’s words, a ‘double movement’ between the neoliberalization of orphanages and the corollary protective countermovement by antiorphanage tourism campaigns that challenge the industry’s morality and legitimacy.

Chris Fuchs, NBC News,

This article, from NBC News, speaks to the experiences of those who were adopted from Vietnam to the United States and the history of Vietnamese adoption in the United States.

Fedina S. Sundaryani, The Jakarta Post,

Chemy “Samuel” Watulingas, owner of an orphanage in the Gading Serpong housing complex in Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia, was found guilty of sexually abusing several children in the orphanage and has been sentenced to 10 years in prison.

Collected viewpoints on international volunteering in residential care centres Country focus: Cambodia is a document developed by Better Volunteering Better Care Intitative

This Excutive Summary is developed by the Better Volunteering Better Care

Thin Lei Win - Reuters,

This article highlights the reality that Philippines’ typhoon orphans face. aiyan, the strongest storm on record to ever hit land, struck Villanueva's coastal community with such ferocity on Nov. 8 last year

Amanda Sim, Research Evaluation & Learning Unit, International Rescue Committee (IRC) ,

This research brief provides an overview of an impact evaluation of the “Happy Families Program,” conducted by the International Rescue Committee (IRC). The Happy Families Program is a parenting and family skills intervention designed for Burmese families living on the Thai-Burmese border.

Amanda Sim, Jeannie Annan, Eve Puffer, Carmel Salhi and Theresa Betancourt - International Rescue Committee,

This report presents findings from the impact evaluation of a parenting and family skills intervention for the displaced Burmese population in Thailand called the Happy Families Program which was implemented by the IRC from 2011 to 2013.

Dr. Jeannie Annan - International Rescue Committee,

This presentation from IRC, given at the State of the Evidence on Children’s Care Symposium, outlines the findings of recent research on parenting interventions in low-resource settings.