Southern Asia

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List of Organisations

Roli Srivastava -- Reuters,

Indian government finds that increased wait for adoption related to rise in human trafficking.

Daiji World,

In the wake of a child smuggling racket being unearthed in the state, the West Bengal government on Monday announced setting up a panel for prevention of child trafficking.

Udayan Care and UNICEF,

This booklet on aftercare is part of a Series on Alternative Care covering the latest legal and policy framework on Alternative Care in India, which has been presented in an easy-to-understand style so that they can be used as an effective reference material by all stakeholders.

Udayan Care and UNICEF,

This booklet covers the latest legal and policy framework on Foster Care in India, which has been presented in an easy-to-understand style so that it can be used as an effective reference material by all stakeholders.

The Leher Team (Richa Nagaich, Tasha Koshi Kajol Menon, Nicole Rangel Menezes, and Nipa Bhansali),

In 2014, Leher partnered with Sarvo Prayas Sansthan (SPS) to develop and implement a community based preventive child protection initiative in the district of Madhubani in Bihar, India. This report presents the learning from that initiative.

Myra Imran -- The International News,

This article from The International News reports Islamabad Capital Territory, Pakistan plans to institute child protection laws soon.

Satarupa Dutta - Asian Social Work and Policy Review,

This study captures the lived experiences of twenty-four young Indian girls who have left care in the past four years. It addresses their journey of moving out of care at two levels — their preparation to leave care and their present experience.

Dr Chrissie Gale and Mr. Chandrika Khatiwada - SOS Children's Villages, CELCIS, European Commission,

The report investigates why children are placed into alternative care, what types of alternative care are available in Nepal, what structures and processes govern alternative care, how the alternative care workforce are trained and supported, and what is and is not working in Nepal's current system. It concludes with recommendations for enhancing alternative care in the country.

Elisabeth Ballús, Carles Pérez-Téstor,

This study attempts to understand the feelings and bonds of the often complex life situations of being an internationally adopted child.

Daily Times,

This article from the Daily Times reports that Child Protection and Welfare Bureau (CPWB) during its "anti-begging crackdown," raided several areas in Lahore and took approximately 25 children into custody.