Southern Asia

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List of Organisations

Family for Every Child,

For children separated from their families, the 139 organizations of the South Asia Alliance of Grassroots NGOs (SAAGN) launched the campaign “My Caring Family is My First Right” in June 2013. As part of the campaign, Butterflies, a registered voluntary organization working with street and working children in Delhi, is supporting a new online petition that calls on governments in the region to respect a child’s right to a family.

Islam, Md. Tuhinul - Edinburgh Research Archive,

The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of residential care from the perspectives of a group of young people who had lived in residential childcare institutions in Bangladesh with a view to making improvements in residential childcare in the future.

The Department of Women and Child Development, Government of Goa ,

The state cabinet of Goa in India has approved a foster care scheme to assist children deprived of parental care or of the care of guardians, and in need of protection. These government guidelines set out the purpose of the scheme, criteria for eligibility and procedures to be followed, including the relevant forms.

The Times of India,

The state cabinet of Goa, India recently approved a foster care scheme to assist children deprived of parental care or the care of guardians and in need of protection.

Gillian Mann,

The Millennium Development Goals will come to an end in 2015 and discussions are currently taking place on what framework will replace them. Children’s participation is crucial to these discussions. Between July 2012 and March 2013, members of Family for Every Child consulted with children living in seven different countries. This report summarizes the main findings that emerged from these consultations.

Acharya SL, Pokhrel BR, Ayer R, Belbase P, Ghimire M, Gurung O,

The objective of this study was to investigate which model of care and support is more appropriate for improving psychosocial and economic security of AIDS orphans in Nepal.

BOSCO National Research and Documentation Centre,

This study, a first of its kind in the country as far as we could ascertain, focuses on the foster care services provided by various organisations and institutions in India.

Department of Probation and Child Care Services, Ministry of Women and Child Affairs,

The objective of this study was to provide basic information on the current situation of children under institutional care in the entire country of Sri Lanka, in order to identify the issues affecting those institutionalized children and to recommend plausible solutions.

Centre for Health and Social Justice (CHSJ) - MenCare Campaign,

MenCare India shares personal anecdotes from its 2013 Fathers Care Campaign.

Nathan Golon, GoodFight Media - MenCare Campaign,

This four-page publication describes World Vision and Promundo’s work in Sri Lanka in 2012-2013 as part of the MenCare campaign.