Eastern Europe

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List of Organisations

SOS Children's Villages,

This document makes the case for the importance of investing in family strengthening in countries across Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia. It has a particular focus on support for families so that any unnecessary separation of children from their families and placement in alternative care can be prevented.

Laura Gozzi - BBC News,

The UN Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine said there was evidence of the illegal transfer of hundreds of Ukrainian children to Russia. The Commission's report is categorical that Russia also committed other war crimes in Ukraine.

Human Rights Council,

In this report the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine outlines the main findings since the outset of its mandate. The body of evidence collected shows that Russian authorities have committed a wide range of violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law in many regions of Ukraine and in the Russian Federation.

Human Rights Watch,

This Human Rights Watch report documents risks to children from institutions in areas directly affected by the conflict as well as those evacuated to other areas of Ukraine or to European countries.

Sanchia Berg, Katie Inman - BBC News,

Roma community workers in Bradford say there has been a rise in the number of Roma children subject to care proceedings, but they may not be visible in official data, because parents fear discrimination if they identify themselves as Roma or Gypsy.

European Commission,

This Communication takes stock of the Temporary Protection Directive implemented on 4 March 2022 over the course of one year. It provides insight into how the EU managed to enable and coordinate a response to the largest displacement on European soil since the Second World War.

Interagency Statement,

Принудительное перемещение, депортация и усыновление детей из Украины, призводящее к окончательному разлучению детей с их семьями, сообществами  и культурой, является явным нарушением их прав человека и международного гуманитарного права и пр

Interagency Statement,

Примусове переміщення, депортація та усиновлення дітей з України, що призвело до остаточного розлучення дітей із їхні

Interagency Statement,

This interagency document is open to endorsement by organizations, networks and agencies and we hope that you will consider adding your name to it and use it in your work and advocacy on behalf of children’s rights in Ukraine.

United Nations General Assembly,

At its resumed eleventh emergency special session, the world body adopted a new resolution calling for an end to the war, only hours before the conflict enters its second year on Friday, 24 February 2023.