
Displaying 2481 - 2490 of 4204

List of Organisations

Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes & Esther Arenas-Arroyo - IZA Institute for Labor Economics,

This study investigates how the intensification of immigration enforcement in the United States contributes to higher rates of undocumented immigrant children entering the foster care system. 

Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights,

This issue paper examines family reunification for refugees as a pressing human rights issue, advising states to re-examine their laws, policies and practices relating to family reunification for refugees. 

Chris Brazier - UNICEF Office of Research-Innocenti ,

This Report Card offers an assessment of child well-being in the context of sustainable development across 41 countries of the European Union (EU) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).


UNICEF press release states that a recently published UNICEF article suggesting 2.7 million children live in institutions worldwide is "likely to be just the tip of the iceberg." 

Nicole Petrowski, Claudia Cappa, Peter Gross (UNICEF) - Child Abuse & Neglect,

Produced by UNICEF, this article provides an estimate of the number of children living in institutional care worldwide. 

Save the Children,

Every child deserves a childhood of love, care and protection so they can develop to their full potential, but this is not the experience for at least a quarter of our children worldwide. This new report – the first in an annual series – takes a hard look at the events that rob children of their childhoods.

Save the Children,

Every child deserves a childhood of love, care and protection so they can develop to their full potential, but this is not the experience for at least a quarter of our children worldwide. This new report – the first in an annual series – takes a hard look at the events that rob children of their childhoods.

Sudhanshu Handa, Silvio Daidone, Amber Peterman, Benjamin Davis, Audrey Pereira, Tia Palermo, and Jennifer Yablonski on behalf of the Transfer Project - UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti,

This report summarizes evidence on six perceptions associated with cash transfer programming, using eight rigorous evaluations conducted on large-scale government unconditional cash transfers in sub-Saharan Africa, under the Transfer Project. 

International Social Service ,

The manual is both a roadmap for policy-makers and a daily guide for professionals working with children on the move – from humanitarian workers and border staff to social workers responsible for creating individualised plans that put children first.

N. Beth Bradford - Coordinating Comprehensive Care for Children (4Children), Catholic Relief Services,

This case study describes the adaptation of a community-based case management model to a national case management framework for highly vulnerable children in Zimbabwe.