
Displaying 2841 - 2850 of 4204

List of Organisations

Lalitha Vasudevan & Kristine Rodriguez Kerr - Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy,

A column from Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy reviewing two short films, which feature former foster care youths and their memories of the foster care system.

Han Meng - Sixth Tone,

A Fulbright scholar compares adoption experiences in China with those in America.

Bill Ong Hing,

Bill Ong Hing shares his experiences on running a law school deportation clinic in California. 

Morningstar - Canada Newswire,

Black youth in Canada speak up against systematic racism in the care system.

Maria Cancian, Steven T. Cook, Mai Seki and Lynn Wimer - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study examines whether requiring parents to pay child support to offset the costs of foster care delays children's permanent placement, whether through reunification with a parent, adoption, or guardianship.

The International Institute for the Rights of the Child and the Centre for Children's Rights Studies at the University of Geneva,

"Building on the Momentum: International Alternative Care Conference" will take place 3-5 October 2016 in Geneva.  

Tuhinul Islam Leon Fulcher (Editors), The CYC-Net Press,

Edited by Tuhinul Islam and Leon Fulcher,  Residential Child and Youth Care in a Developing World: Global Perspectives  is the first volume of a series of four, bringing together contributions from local practitioners, educators and researchers across all regions on their countries' residential child and youth care traditions, policies and practices, as well as knowledge about children's needs, rights and personal upbringing there.

Global Protection Cluster,

The report highlights the constant threat of sexual violence, exploitation, and child marriage that adolescents and girls face in Syria.

Isaac Odhiambo Abuya (PhD Candidate), Prof. Paul Amollo Odundo, Prof. Charles Mallans Rambo & Dr. Raphael Ondeko Nyonje - PM World Journal,

This paper is a literature review on the conditions of HIV/AIDS orphans in Kenya. 

William W. Hansen - Perspectives on Terrorism,

In this article, William W. Hansen argues that the street children who populate the cities of Northern Nigeria have no means of support other than begging for their daily food, petty crime or providing casual labor.