
Displaying 2911 - 2920 of 4204

List of Organisations

Committee on the Rights of the Child,

The Committee on the Rights of the Child invites all interested parties to comment on the current draft of its General Comment on realising the rights of children during adolescence. 


The State of the World’s Children report presents research from around the globe on the status of children, particularly those who are most disadvantaged, and their wellbeing. 


The Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development 2016, under the theme “Promoting the Dignity and Worth of People,” will be held from June 27 (Monday) to June 30 (Thursday), 2016, at the COEX convention and exhibition center in Seoul, South Korea

Jennifer M. Katzenstein, Brenna LeJeune & Kathy E. Johnson - Adoption Quarterly,

The present study focused on whether parenting and family factors explain variance in cognitive and linguistic catch-up in children adopted internationally.

CPC Learning Network,

The CPC Learning Network held its biennial meeting, Evolving Methods for an Expanding Field: Global Research with Children and Families in Adversity, on 21 and 22 June 2016. The meeting aimed at presenting innovative research on international child protection and family welfare and identifying key knowledge gaps and ways to collaborate to fill those gaps. 


The detailed study by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), which tracks forced displacement worldwide based on data from governments, partner agencies and UNHCR’s own reporting, found a total 65.3 million people were displaced at the end

Rapporteur; Forum on Investing in Young Children Globally; Board on Global Health; Board on Children, Youth, & Families; Health & Medicine Division; Division of Behavioral & Social Sciences & Education; National Academies of Science, Engineering, Medicine,

To examine the science, economics, and politics of investing in the health, education, nutrition, and social protection of children at the margins, the Forum on Investing in Young Children Globally (iYCG Forum) held a workshop in Prague, Czech Republic, on November 3–4, 2015, titled, “Reaching and Investing in Children at the Margins.” This report summarizes the workshop and highlights the key learning from the event.

Life Course Research Network (LCRN ),

This webinar explores the influence of stress on development and health from an evolutionary perspective.

Michael G. Wessells - Understanding Peace and Conflict Through Social Identity Theory, Part of the series Peace Psychology Book Series ,

This chapter analyses how social identity influences children’s recruitment into armed conflict and their reintegration. 

Sophia Fischer, Claudia Dolitzsch, Klaus Schmeck, Jorg M. Fegert and Marc Schmid - Children and Youth Services Review,

The present study aimed to assess the relationship between interpersonal traumatic experiences and specific psychopathological symptoms in a high-risk population of girls and boys living in youth welfare institutions in residential care.