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List of Organisations

Human Rights Watch,

Dans le monde entier, des enfants se morfondent derrière des barreaux, parfois pendant des périodes prolongées. Ils sont exposés dans bien des cas à des brutalités et des conditions inhumaines. Le manque de données fiables et le grand nombre d’institutions concernées font que le nombre total d’enfants privés de liberté dans le monde n’est pas connu avec précision. Pour sa part, l’UNICEF estime qu’au moins un million d’enfants dans le monde sont derrière des barreaux. 

Susan Hillis, James Mercy, Adaugo Amobi, Howard Kress,

The CDC released a groundbreaking report that estimates the global burden of violence against children under 18 for each region of the world. This report is entitled “Global Prevalence of Past-Year Violence Against Children: A Systematic Review and Minimum Estimates,” and it combines data from 38 reports covering 96 countries.

Lumos and the Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development of the European Commission,

Lumos and the Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development of the European Commission (DG DEVCO) will host a conference on Supporting families globally: Ending the institutionalisation of children. The conference will take place 20 January 2016 from 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM CET. It will be held at External Cooperation InfoPoint, Rue de la Loi 43-45, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Fairstart Foundation,

To meet the demand for high quality trainer's training programs in the group care sector, Fairstart Foundation designed an online education program for training groups of caregivers.

Laurie Ahern,

As in years past, some recipients of CNN’s 2015 Heroes Awards included “ill-advised but well-meaning” people who have been involved in building and operating orphanages in developing countries. By including those running orphanages among its recipients, CNN is perpetuating the incorrect idea that orphanages are a safe place for children. 

RISE Learning Network,

RISE Learning Network, an organization that promotes learning on recovery and reintegration approaches that improve outcomes for children and adolescents affected by sexual exploitation, will be hosting a webinar on 14 January 2016 from

Katherine Purvis and Lindsey Kennedy,

This article describes growing skepticism around the value of "voluntourists" for local communities around the work, and many NGOs are questioning the unregulated industry that brings many young, unqualified westerners to developing countries. Often, volunteers are ineffective in providing help to communities, and sometimes can even pose danger to the community members or themselves.

Claire O’Kane and Sofni Lubis - SOS Children's Villages,

This report is a case study of alternative child care in Indonesia. Research was conducted that found that with an estimate of 8,000 institutional facilities servicing 500,000 children, Indonesia was overly reliant on institutional care.

Preston City Council,

This toolkit explains the process behind asset mapping, looks at how to carry out a Community Street Audit, provides advice on making asset mapping meaningful and ensuring it leads to constructive action, and on involving different sections of the community - including community residents, elected councillors and representatives from local services. Finally it looks at the tools you may need, and how to keep community and local agencies informed of any action plans arising from the asset mapping.

Better Care Network, ACCI Missions & Relief,

The Child Protection in Short-Term Missions Manual and Toolkit has been produced by ACC International Missions and Relief. It has been designed for those who are passionate about missions and engaging people in missions through short-term teams, who pursue excellence in all they do and who are committed to pursuing God’s heart for children and vulnerable members of society in the context of global missions.