
Displaying 3081 - 3090 of 4204

List of Organisations

Cathrine Madziva, Martha Chinouya - International Social Work,

This qualitative study explored how volunteers delivering social welfare to orphans and vulnerable children through a community initiative supported by donors made sense of volunteering during a period of hyperinflation in Zimbabwe.  

Dejan Janićijević - Factas Universitatis: Law and Politics,

This paper examines the two basic models of the state authorities’ intervention into family life aimed at protecting children.

Josane Van Huyssteen, Marianne Strydom - Social Work,

This paper discusses the style and efficacy of child preservation services for the purpose of reducing child abuse and neglect. 

Susan Morwood,

This Supervision Guideline document from Save the Children contains guidelines and underlying principles for Pusan Dukungan Anak dan Keluarga (PDAK) child and family support centre social workers in working with children and families.

Alexander V. Makhnach - The Routledge International Handbook of Psychosocial Resilience,

This article studies different medical and psychological models of orphanhood and the effects these models have on the resiliency of orphanhood.

Lucia Irenescu - HeinOnline,

This article discusses adoption in the international human rights framework.  Most specifically, it focuses on the rights of the child and how to proceed with adoptions by keeping in mind the best interest of the child.  

Bernard van Leer Foundation,

'Early Childhood Matters' is an annual publication from the Bernard van Leer Foundation which aims to “spread awareness of promising solutions to support holistic child development and explore the elements needed to take those solutions to scale.”

Faiza Shaheen, Jonathan Glennie, Amanda Lenhardt, José Manuel Roche and Lucia Cizmaziova - Save the Children,

This report tells the story of “forgotten children,” children who are relegated to the margins of society due to discrimination and subjected to the hardships of poverty. The report is aimed at identifying what is required to meet the needs of these children and to ensure their basic rights to survive and thrive, to learn, and to be protected.

International Social Service (ISS),

 ISS has developed a handbook for professionals working in the adoption field that provides guidance on how to respond when illegal practices have been identified in an adoption case.

Better Volunteering Better Care,

Este documento provee una explicación detallada de las razones que Better Volunteering Better Care está desalentando el voluntariado internacional en orfanatos (centros de atención residencial).