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List of Organisations

Faith to Action Initiative,

Esta guía es la tercera publicación en una serie producida por the Faith to Action Initiative (Iniciativa de Fe en Acción) para proporcionar a las iglesias, a las organizaciones basadas en la fe, e individuos de fe con información para ayudar a guiar la “mejor práctica”. La guía proporciona una visión general de una gama de opciones de cuidado alternativo para los niños que han sido separados del cuidado parental.

Kate Morris, Sue White, Paula Doherty, and Lisa Warwick - Children & Family Social Work,

This paper draws on a British Academy (BA) funded study exploring social workers’ conceptions of family using a vignette and focus groups. 

UNICEF Evaluation Office,

This report on Protecting Children from Violence: A Comprehensive Evaluation of UNICEF’s Strategies and Programme Performance was prepared by independent consultants to evaluate UNICEF's work on violence against children (VAC).

Amanda Cox, Sarah Gesiriech, Kerry Olson, Krystel Porter - Faith to Action Initiative,

A Continuum of Care provides an overview of a range of alternative care options for children who have been separated from parental care. 

CPC Learning Network,

On July 23, 2015, at 9am EDT, the CPC Learning Network is hosting a webinar featuring Joanna Wakia, Monitoring and Research Advisor at Retrak, and Charles Gwengwe, Executive Director at Chisomo Children’s Club, to explore the approach followed, to share the initial results and to discuss implications for interventions in Malawi and future research steps.


CAFO will be hosting a webinar related to its "Replicable Models of Transition to Family-Based Care," project, set to to air July 22 at 2 pm Eastern Time.

Kristen E. Cheney - Open Democracy,

This article describes the so-called “orphan industrial complex” and the ways in which it harms children, families, and communities in the Global South.

Marinus H. IJzendoorn van, Marian J. Bakermans-Kranenburg and Stephen Scott - Rutter's Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,

This chapter from the book 'Rutter's Child and Adolescent Psychiatry' focuses on foster care and residential care practices around the world and the benefits and challenges of supporting foster care interventions, transitioning away from the use of institutional care.

Shihning Chou, Kevin D. Browne - Child Abuse Review,

This study investigates the correlation over time between international adoption and institutional care.

Child Protection Working Group (CPWG),

The purpose of this consultancy is to continue the smooth running of the established Help Desk within the global level CPWG team to provide field based coordinators of child protection with technical assistance, mentoring, training and knowledge management services.