
Displaying 3171 - 3180 of 4204

List of Organisations

Association of Massage Therapists,

In this position statement, the Association of Massage Therapists (AMT) of Australia clearly states that it does not endorse orphanage volunteering, referring to the positions of  the Better Care Network, UNICEF, Save the Children and the ChildSafe network.

The International Association of Infant Massage Australia,

The International Association of Infant Massage in Australia has launched a position paper on volunteering in orphanages in order to address the problem of untrained volunteers being encouraged to conduct child care and infant massage practice in residential care centres, particularly in developing countries.

Lisa Laumann, FHI 360,

This paper presents an overview of learning related to the prevention of family-child separation, the reintegration of children into family care, and economic interventions that support both.

C.M. Ellis and Josh Chaffin - Enterprise Development and Microfinance: An international journal,

This review is a systematic research synthesis of randomized impact evaluations of NGO-implemented interventions in low-income countries that work to build income and/or economic assets either of the caregiver, the household, or the individual child, adolescent, or youth, where the evaluation looked at any child-level or youth-level outcomes. 

Alexander Butchart, Susan Hillis & Angela Burton (Ed.) - World Health Organization & United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ,

INSPIRE is an evidence-based resource for everyone committed to preventing and responding to violence against children and adolescents. It represents a select group of strategies based on the best available evidence to help countries and communities intensify their focus on the prevention programmes and services with the greatest potential to reduce violence against children. 

Bethany Christian Services Global,

Bethany Christian Services Global, LLC (Global) is recruiting an International Programs Director.

Piotr Pawlak, Laxman Belbase, Lena Karlsson - Save the Children,

This report was developed by Save the Children to accompany the State of the World’s Fathers 2015 report (SOWF), produced by MenCare. This Child Rights Perspective report is an excerpt of the main SOWF report, highlighting the content from the main report that is related to children’s rights and gender equality.


Dianne Becker - Missions Dilemma,

This post on the Missions Dilemma website features an article and 30 minute documentary film on the harmful impact of institutionalization on children.

Megan Parker - Pearl to Be Found,

In a recent blog post, Megan Parker, co-founder of the Abide Family Center in Uganda, takes issue with Dr. Katherine Whetten’s study which found that children reared in institutional care did not fare worse than those living in family settings.