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Целью этой книги является объяснить детям точто их ожидает во время закрытия интерната.


The aim of this book is to explain to children what to expect during the time the institution in which they reside is closing.

Faith to Action Initiative,

This six-part study series from the Faith to Action Initiative, Caring for Orphans and Vulnerable Children: A Study Guide for Journeys of Faith, is designed to support small faith group study accompanying ‘Journeys of Faith: A Resource Guide for Orphan Care Ministries Helping Children in Africa & Beyond.’ 

Josh Chaffin & Cali Mortenson Ellis - Women’s Refugee Commission, CPC Learning Network, Save the Children,

This review focuses on the findings from high-quality published evaluation research into economic strengthening (ES) programs, implemented by NGOs, in resource-poor environments in the developing world, where external evaluators measured impacts on any of a wide variety of indicators of children’s or youth’s protection and wellbeing.

Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice ,

The Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice has developed this flyer, along with ECPAT Netherlands, Better Care Network Netherlands and Terre des Hommes Netherlands, to motivate foreign organizations working with children to ask for a Certificate of Conduct when recruiting Dutch volunteers or employees.


These virtual study visit resources from Lumos have been developed for those professionals and policy makers who are involved in the transition from institutional to community and family-based care.

MEASURE Evaluation,

New indicators and tools developed by MEASURE Evaluation, with support from the OVC technical working group of the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), simplify and standardize the data needed to set measurable goals for an OVC intervention. 

MEASURE Evaluation,

The caregiver questionnaire is intended for use as one of the OVC survey tools developed by MEASURE Evaluation, with support from the OVC technical working group of the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).,

This video from, produced by Kindea Labs, describes both the negative impacts of orphanage volunteering and tourism as well as the ways in which international volunteering can be conducted appropriately for a positive impact on a community.

Ghazal Keshavarzian, Family for Every Child ,

This report from Family for Every Child begins to fill the gap in understanding on how to deliver effective, safe foster care programmes through an exploration of the literature and interviews with experts.