
Displaying 3801 - 3810 of 4248

List of Organisations


This module aims to equip those responding in emergencies with an introduction to the theory and practice of working with children and of children’s rights. 


This module aims to support the development of skills and knowledge in relation to emergency aspects of working with children affected by armed conflict, and to provide information and links for those who require more detailed resources and guidance.


This module places emphasis on understanding the vital need for re­establishing education during and after an emergency so as to minimise the psychological impact of the event and maximising the opportunity to strengthen pre­existing education structures. 


This module aims to provide guidance on essential aspects of child abuse and exploitation, highlighting the main forms of abuse and presenting some possible action against it.

Elizabeth Oswald - World Vision International,

Guide de Programmation pour les enfants sans prise en charge parental.

Better Care Network and UNICEF Headquarters,

This document includes a portion of the individual worksheets accompanying the Manual for the Measurement of Indicators for Children in Formal Care.

WHO and Liverpool John Moores University,

This report brings together an eight-part series of briefings on the evidence for interventions to prevent interpersonal and self-directed violence. By spotlighting evidence for the effectiveness of interventions, the series provides clear directions for how violence prevention funders, policy makers and programme implementers can boost the impact of their violence prevention efforts.

WHO and Liverpool John Moores University,

This briefing looks at the effectiveness of interventions that encourage safe, stable and nurturing relationships for preventing child maltreatment and aggressive behaviour in childhood. The focus is on primary prevention programmes, those that are implemented early enough to avoid the development of violent behaviour such as child maltreatment and childhood aggression.

Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development,

This document is the seventh, and final, chapter of Doing Better for Children: The Way Forward, produced by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. The aim of this chapter is to contribute to the policy debate on child well-being, synthesising the previous chapters and drawing on the existing research and policy literature.

Dr Jonathan Brakarsh,

Say and Play is an interactive tool designed for orphans and vulnerable children from three to six years old and those who care for them. It uses pictures, stories and games to help children talk about their lives and, through these activities, it guides adults to identify and support the emotional and social needs of children.