Middle East

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List of Organisations

Save the Children Sweden,

Through the voices of children, parents and staff working in the region, this report by Save the Children presents a glimpse into the struggles faced by refugee and displaced children and families from Syria. The report is primarily based on children’s stories as told to Save the Children in urban areas in Lebanon and in camps and urban areas in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Drawings and other playful sessions were used with the children to help them tell stories of their everyday lives without the negative impact a deep interview might have.

UNICEF Centre de presse,

Forcée de quitter son foyer et séparée de ses parents, dans un camp au nord de l’Iraq, une jeune fille trouve un endroit sûr pour apprendre, jouer et se faire des amis.


Depuis le début de l’année 2015, plus d’un million de personnes ont traversé la méditerranée pour rejoindre l’Europe. Près d’une personne sur cinq ayant rejoint les côtes européennes est un enfant…

Human Rights Watch,

De nombreux enfants originaires d’États dévastés par la guerre, qui voyagent souvent seuls, fuient actuellement des abus dans leurs pays d’origine pour chercher refuge au sein de l’Union européenne, a affirmé aujourd’hui Human Rights Watch. Beaucoup d’entre eux tentent d’échapper au recrutement d’enfants soldats, aux mariages de mineurs et aux attaques menées contre des écoles, ou encore à d’autres conséquences de la guerre en Syrie et en Afghanistan. D’autres fuient les discriminations or à l’encontre des réfugiés afghans en Iran.

Hind Farahat & Kristen E Cheney - Global Studies of Childhood,

Using empirical data and interviews with orphans in Jordan, this article investigates how they experience the patriarchy of law, society, and the state.


Debra Kamin - Time,

This article, from Time, describes the efforts of the Israeli government to evacuate babies of Israeli parents - born to surrogate mothers in Nepal - in the aftermath of the recent earthquake.

Annie Edwards & Jini Roby - Brigham Young University BYU ScholarsArchive - Family, Home, and Social Sciences,

This one-page presentation outlines the research questions, data, methods, results, literature review, discussion and implications of a study that looked at the effects of a child’s relationship to head of household, age, and orphan status on the severity of discipline they receive in Ghana, Iraq, Costa Rica, Vietnam,and Ukraine.

Amanda Fisher - AlJazeera ,

This article from AlJazeera tells the story of Aysha Albusmait, a single woman in Dubai who adopted a young girl.

Save the Children ,

The overall objective of this research was to increase understanding of kinship care practices as experienced by Syrian refugee children and caregivers in Jordan, which can be used to inform programming and policy developments on children’s care and protection in a humanitarian context. 

Hashem Osseiran - The Daily Star ,

Zeina Abdullah, the owner of a migrant domestic worker recruitment agency in Lebanon, and two Lebanese doctors, Dr. Aziz Samaha and Dr. Fouad Joseph Helou, have been accused of forming an illegal child adoption ring, according to the article.