Eastern Africa

Displaying 1451 - 1460 of 1525

List of Organisations

Catholic Relief Services and USAID,

Sound practices culled from the experiences of CRS Zimbabwe’s Support to Replicable, Innovative, Village/Community-Level Efforts to support children affected by AIDS (STRIVE) Program on Operations Research.

Jonathan Rivers, Eva Silvestre, and John Mason,

A report on the nutritional status of orphans in sub-Saharan Africa. Seeks to understand the relationship between child vulnerability and food security. Contains conclusions and recommendations relevant for future monitoring initiatives.

Kalanidhi Subbarao and Diane Coury,

A detailed book providing evidence-based guidelines for approaches and interventions to best mitigate the various risks confronted by OVC.

Sophie Witter, George Calder, and Timothy Ahimbisibwe,

Examines the long-term impacts of the Child Social Care Project in Rakai District, Uganda. Outlines good practices for OVC support, as well as recommendations for governments and donors.

World Vision HIV/AIDS Hope Initiative,

Toolkit for the founding and expansion of HIV/AIDS responses in development programs. Includes hands-on tools and support documentation.

L. Guarcello, S. Lyon, and F. Rosati ,

A report on orphans and vulnerable children in Malawi. It examines how orphanhood increases vulnerability though decreased access to formal schooling and increased exposure to child labor. Includes detailed statistical tables.

Anuj Jain,

This paper outlines a program (SIMBA) established to work with local AIDS Service Organizations (ASOs) in Zimbabwe to promote economic development in HIV/AIDS affected communities. Efforts to promote capacitiy building of organizations, self-managed and savings-based microfinance services, and basic business management training are described.

Anna Strebel,

A review of interventions for orphaned and vulnerable children that focuses on community-supported, home-based care examples. Highlights several models and programs, such as the COPE approach and Village AIDS Committees. Advocates the need for more research-based interventions and evaluation.

Devi Dee,

An informal evaluation of an NGO residential institution in Zimbabwe, based on the opinions of the child residents. Includes recommendations for the improvement of residential care.

Uganda Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development,

The NSPPI provides overall guidance to implementers to mitigate the impact of orphan hood and other vulnerabilities among children in Uganda.