Eastern Africa

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List of Organisations

Changing the Way We Care,

This report contains the complete Kenya and Guatemala Household Survey results.

Salmah Namwanje - AllAfrica,

Agencies in charge of fighting human trafficking have expressed concern over the increase of the vice in the country saying children are the most affected. According to Agnes Igoye, the Deputy National Coordinator Prevention of Trafficking in Persons at the Directorate of Citizenship and Immigration Control, in 2021 they received 421 incidents that had 1,000 victims involved. Out of the cases reported, 30 were successfully investigated and culprits were charged and convicted under the Prevention of Trafficking Act.

All Africa,

Zambia has made significant strides in the past two decades to improve maternal and newborn health outcomes. The maternal mortality rate dropped nearly 300 per cent in 16 years - from 729 deaths for every 100,000 live births in 2002, to 278 deaths per 100,000 in 2018. What has been critical in this achievement is greater availability of skilled midwifery personnel. The number of births assisted by a skilled attendant more than doubled over the same period, from 42 per cent in 2002 to 80 per cent in 2018.

Better Care Network,

This video summary accompanies the Readjusting to Parenthood: Peer Support Groups for Grandparents Assuming Care for Orphaned Children (Upendo Village, Kenya) practitioner learning video which is part of the Kenya Practitioner Learning Video Series.

Rebecca Nhep, Better Care Network; Dr Kate van Doore, Law Futures Centre & Griffith Law School,

यस अध्ययनले सातवटा केन्द्रित देशहरूमा २१ अर्ध-संरचित अन्तर्वार्ताहरू समावेश गरी गुणस्तरीय अनुसन्धान अध्ययन सञ्चालन गरेर निजी रूपमा सञ्चालित र वित्त पोषित आवासीय हेरचाह संस्थाहरूको सानो संख्यामा COVID-19 को प्रभावको अन्वेषण गर्दछ।

UNICEF, Changing the Way We Care,

The UNICEF-Changing the Way We Care Regional Learning Platform for Eastern and Southern Africa held its first webinar of the year on Child Protection System Strengthening and Care Reform.

UNICEF, Changing the Way We Care,

This webinar will provide an overview of child protection system strengthening and the linkages between this approach and care reform.  It will outline the ten components of a system strengthening approach to care reform and provide three examples of putting these components into practice. The examples will be presented by UNICEF country office staff, government agencies and their partners. They will focus on the development of the national care form strategy in Kenya, workforce strengthening for care reform in Rwanda, and care system assessment in Uganda.  

Colleen Fitzgerald - The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

The Toolkit for Community Child Protection Volunteers and supplementary training manual aim to promote evidence-informed best practices when engaging community volunteers in child protection responses. This toolkit is based on the Community Engagement in Case Management study, which was commissioned by the Alliance and completed in 2020.

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

A poster for Child Protection teams to emphasize the evidence based practices of engaging volunteers that were documented in the research.

Changing the Way We Care, UNICEF, Government of Zambia,

This virtual study tour aims to provide you with an overview of care reform in Zambia from the comfort of your own home. Care reform relates to the care of children.