Eastern Africa

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List of Organisations

ChildFund International,

This learning brief analyzes quantitative data from both households at risk of separation and reintegrating households to understand how the “Deinstitutionalization of Orphans and Vulnerable Children Project in Uganda” (DOVCU) package of integrated social and economic interventions affects children and households differently depending on the sex of the child, caregiver, and/or household head.

Stella Nyagwencha, Alice Munene, Naomi James - African Journal of Clinical Psychology,

The objective of this study was to establish the types of abuse experienced by adolescents with mild and moderate symptoms of anxiety disorder and living in charitable children’s institutions (CCIs).

Dorcas Nthenya Mutiso & Dr. Pius Mutuku Mutie - International Journal of Sociology,

The purpose of this study was to assess the challenges affecting orphans and vulnerable children (OVCS) in Embu County.

Rofiah Ololade Sarumi & Ann Elaine Strode,

This brief reference surveys the national policy of three representative African countries on the legal guardianship of children who are without parents or families.

Sarah Meyer, Sabrina Hermosilla, Lindsay Stark - UNHCR, the CPC Learning Network, and TPO Uganda,

This report describes the research conducted in 2016 in Kiryandongo and Adjumani refugee settlements in Uganda, presenting a comparison of child protection system strength between 2014/5 and 2016, and child protection outcomes over the same time period.

Aften Beeler, Severine Chevrel, Siân Long, Kristin Weinhauer - 4Children,

This report presents the preliminary findings from an ongoing project undertaken by 4Children that seeks to identify key opportunities to incorporate violence prevention and response interventions within priority PEPFAR Program Areas at clinical and community levels.

Pamhidzayi Berejena Mhongera, Antoinette Lombard - Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk,

This paper reports on findings from an evaluation study of two institutions providing transition programmes to adolescent girls transitioning from institutional care in Zimbabwe.

Helen Nianias - Chatham House: The Royal Institute of International Affairs,

This report from Chatham House explains how foreign volunteers and donations fuel the orphanage industry in Uganda and the work of Hope and Homes for Children to deinstitutionalize children and stop them "being seen as valuable assets."

John Ringson - African Journal of Social Work,

This study sought to examine the feasibility of rejuvenating and strategically repositioning the Zunde raMambo (King’s granary) as a traditional orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) coping mechanism in Zimbabwe with a special reference to Gutu District.

Jakob von Uexkull - Huffington Post,

In this piece for the Huffington Post, founder of World Future Council Jakob von Uexkull, writes about  Zanzibar's Children's Act of 2011 and how it has been implemented and enforced to improve child protection practices in Zanzibar.