Eastern Africa

Displaying 641 - 650 of 1525

List of Organisations

Kari Vik (KV), Vickfarajaeli Zebedayo Daudi (VZD), Lusajo Joel Kajula (LJK), Rolf Rohde (RR), Omary Said Ubuguyu (OSU), Joseph Ndukusi Saibulu (JNS) - Infancy and Caring,

This paper aims at describing how caregivers at an institution for motherless infants in rural Tanzania perceive infancy, caring and sensitivity in their everyday context.


UNICEF is seeking a Child Protection Specialist in South Sudan.


UNICEF is seeking a Child Protection Officer in Ethiopia. 

Abiy Hailu - AllAfrica,

This article from AllAfrica describes the reasons that Ethiopia has recently decided to ban intercountry adoptions of Ethiopian children. 

Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children,

Prepared for the Agenda 2030 for Children: End Violence Solutions Summit, held in Stockholm, Sweden, on 14-15 February 2018, this report tracks progress towards prohibition and elimination of corporal punishment of children in Pathfinding countries. 

Save the Children,

The consultancy will support the Department of Social Welfare through the Alternative Care Technical Working Group to document and compile information for the development of a draft strategy with implementation plan for the National Child Care Reform based on the current  legal frameworks, Government’s vision for Child Care Reform, and on-going efforts (by Civil Society Partners and Cooperation Partners) to strengthen Child Care systems, including Alternative Care and Reintegration for children into family-based care in Zambia.

Terre des Hommes Netherlands,

Terre des Hommes Netherlands has conducted this preliminary study to examine if there is evidence of Online Child Sexual Exploitation (OCSE) in Kenya.

Young Lives in Ethiopia and UCL Institute of Education, UK,

Young Lives in Ethiopia and UCL Institute of Education, UK are seeking expressions of interest to attend and present at a two-day workshop (20-25 participants) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to be held from 16-17 May 2018. 

Getrude Dadirai Gwenzi - Child Care in Practice ,

This paper discusses findings from a small-scale qualitative study conducted in Harare, Zimbabwe. Findings show that young people aging out from Harare’s care institutions face challenges making their transition from care into adulthood.


UNICEF is seeking a Child Protection Specialist in Tanzania.