Eastern Africa

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Rachel Bray with Andrew Dawes - UNICEF,

This paper examines existing knowledge on raising adolescents in east and southern African countries, including Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania and Zimbabwe.  According to the report, and within the context of these regions, parenting is understood to be handled through extended community and family networks.  

Abebe Senbeta - Addis Ababa University - The School of Social Work,

This study investigates the effects of Community Care Coalitions on child protection in Assosa City, Ethiopia. It explores services and strategies employed by Community Care Coalitions to address child protection, as well as challenges faced by Community Care Coalitions while attempting to provide these services.

Asnakech Tesfaye - Addis Ababa University - Graduate School of Social Work,

In this research paper Asnakech Tesfaye explores the expectations of Ethiopian children applying for an Australian Orphan Visa.  Tesfaye’s research found children applying for visas expected to get better education, employment, material benefits and living conditions. 

Jeanette Olsson, Staffan Höjer, Lennarth Nyström, Maria Emmelin - International Social Work,

The aim of this mixed-method study was to explore the trajectories of leaving home, and views and experiences among children and youth in the Kagera region in Tanzania, who have lived on the streets or been domestic workers. 

AVSI & FHI 360,

The Household Vulnerability Assessment tool (HVAT) is for assessment of families selected through the vulnerability prioritization process. This adapted tool helps to obtain in-depth baseline information about a family’s level of vulnerability to family-child separation, which will be used for monitoring progression of FARE beneficiary families’ vulnerability to family-child separation.

Becky Smith - Save the Children UK,

This post is part of the Better Volunteering Better Care Initiative’s month-long spread of articles aimed at raising awareness around the issues of orphanage volunteering. In this post, the author explains that, around the world, many orphanages are being run, not by government, but by church groups and individuals who start as volunteers. “The institutions are poorly regulated and they’re doing a job that could be done by the children’s families, with the right support,” says Smith.

Stephen Ucembe - Epicure & Culture,

This post is part of the Better Volunteering Better Care Initiative’s month-long spread of articles aimed at raising awareness around the issues of orphanage volunteering. In this post, the author describes his experiences with international volunteers in the orphanage where he lived and the larger problem of orphanage volunteering.


Gerald Campbell, a man from the state of Texas in the US who managed an orphanage in Malawi, has just pleaded guilty to sexually abusing the children in his care at the institution. 

Pamhidzayi Berejena Mhongera & Antoinette Lombard - ,

Using the DFID sustainable livelihood approach, this qualitative study evaluated the social capital being accessed by adolescent girls transitioning from two institutions in Harare, Zimbabwe.

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care-related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.