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The objective of this report is to review the initiatives carried out in the last four years in West and Central African countries with regard to child protection information and monitoring systems.
Study investigating the psychosocial impact of different high risk situations in West and Central Africa such as trafficking, ethnic cleansing, armed conflict or parental loss.
Focuses on children’s vulnerabilities and risks related to an absence of protection from violence, abuse and neglect, and the ways in which measures to address such vulnerabilities and risks can be more effectively integrated into social protection policy frameworks in the West and Central Africa region.
This paper shares the philosophy and key components of the African development initiative Giving Hope that works with youth caregivers through an asset-based empowerment methodology. The approach facilitates the restoration of youth caregivers’ sense of self, belonging, power, and collective responsibility.
Experts gathered in Carmona Spain to examine the results of policy relevant systemic reviews on social welfare and cash transfers. Meeting delegates explored the findings of reviews on integration of social welfare services and cash transfers in Ghana, Chile, Zimbabwe, Malawi and Kenya.
This study examined the implementation of Ghana’s child rights legislation (Children’s Act 560) in four districts in respect of the establishment of prescribed administrative and institutional structures, the service delivery procedures, and challenges.
Learning by Ear, le programme de divertissement pédagogique de la Deutsche Welle aborde la question du droit des enfants et consacre son 4eme episode aux enfants des rues de Lagos.
L'objectif de ce manuel est de présenter un ensemble d'indicateurs globaux communs pour la prise en charge formelle des enfants, notamment des enfants vivant en institution ou en famille d'accueil suite à un arrangement formel (
This document informs stakeholders about the opportunities for and constraints on building the social work workforce within the child welfare sector in Africa.
This publication documents real life stories of selected African parents, shedding light on the multifaceted challenges parents are faced with and the kind of support they need to bring about behavioral change and enhanced capacity.