
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Africa. Browse resources by region, country, or category. Resources related particularly to North Africa can also be found on the Middle East and North Africa page.

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List of Organisations

Camilla Jones, Trish Hiddleston, and Christine McCormick,

This article details the introduction of a livelihood project for unaccompanied children in the Dadaab refugee camp in Kenya, which aimed at strengthening the household economy of foster families and improving the care of fostered children. 

Amy Fallon, The Guardian,

Family distraught at losing contact with son, now living 8,000 miles away in US after adopters told he was abandoned

Rae Ellen Bichell ,

This article discusses the complex consequences Ebola-orphaned children face, particularly the stigma they experience. It describes the challenges social workers face to reunite children with their families

Family for Every Child and the Centre for Social Protection ,

This report was written by Keetie Roelen and Helen Karki Chettri from the Centre for Social Protection (CSP) at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), with inputs and support from Family for Every Child and Challenging Heights, Ghana. The report investigates the links between child wellbeing, children’s care, family cohesion and the Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty Programme (LEAP), a national social protection scheme in Ghana which aims to reduce extreme poverty in the country and is centred on providing cash transfers to the most vulnerable.

David Whitford and Joanna Wakia - Retrak ,

This report from Retrak provides information on how to best count and develop estimates of the number of street-connected children in a particular area.

Joanna Wakia, Retrak,

In this paper, Retrak outlines its approach to conducting outreach work with children living and working on the streets.

Government of the Republic of Kenya and UNICEF,

The initial goal of the development of these guidelines was to seek to regulate Guardianship and Foster Care of children in Kenya.


Au moins 3 700 enfants de Guinée, du Libéria et de la Sierra Leone ont perdu un ou leurs deux parents à cause du virus Ebola depuis le début de l'épidémie en Afrique de l'Ouest, selon les estimations préliminaires de l'UNICEF, et nombre d’entre eux sont rejetés par les membres de leur famille qui ont survécu, par crainte de l'infection.

BBC News,

This article by the BBC highlights the impact of this epidemic on children, including the death of parents and primary caregivers and the struggle to find alternative caregivers in a context of extreme fear of contamination.

Government of Liberia,

This draft from the Liberian government outlines the protocol and guidelines for responding to children's care issues in the context of Ebola, specifically for the Interim Care Centers (ICC) for children who have come into contact with Ebola.