
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Africa. Browse resources by region, country, or category. Resources related particularly to North Africa can also be found on the Middle East and North Africa page.

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List of Organisations

Philip Goldman - Maestral International,

This presentation describes the mapping of the child protection system in Eastern and Southern Africa.

Save the Children,

This report provides the initial findings of a Child Protection Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices (KAP) Study commissioned by Save the Children (SC) as part of the project “Educating and Protecting Vulnerable Children in Family Settings in Liberia” (2010-2014).

Republic of Liberia,

The objective of this Law shall be to facilitate the respect, protection, promotion, and provision of the realization of child rights in order to make maximum contribution to the survival, development, participation, and protection of every child in Liberia.

The Ministry of Gender, Children, and Community Development of Malawi; Centre for Social Research (CSR) of the University of Malawi; UNICEF Malawi,

This study commissioned by the Ministry of Gender, Children, and Community Development and financially and technically supported by UNICEF and the Better Care Network, describes the situation of children in institutional care in Malawi.

Ruth V Reed, Dr Mina Fazel, Lynne Jones, Prof Catherine Panter-Brick, and Prof Alan Stein,

This study involved a systematic review of individual, family, community and social risk and protective factors for the mental health of children and adolescents who were forcibly displaced to high-income countries.

Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development - Uganda,

This paper highlights human resource and funding gaps that constrain provision of child care and protection services. It advocates for strengthening of social welfare workforce and funding to improve child care and protection services in Uganda.

Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion, Government of Rwanda,

The Integrated Child Rights Policy is conceived with the objectives of strengthening the thinking and analysis around policies related to children and the coordination and implementation of Government activities for realization of children’s rights.

Maestral International,

This report outlines the global context that the Eastern and Southern Africa Region (ESAR) is operating within, with respect to child protection. 

Consortium for Street Children ,

Joint statement by the Consortium for Street Children to the African Committee on the Rights and Welfare of the Child on Day of African Child Theme: All Together for Street Children

Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Republic of Liberia,

To achieve Liberia’s vision of becoming a middleincome country, the goal of this policy is therefore to improve the health and social welfare status of the population of Liberia on an equitable basis.