
Displaying 101 - 110 of 199

List of Organisations

CPC Learning Network,

The CPC Learning Network’s Beth Rubenstein and Matt MacFarlane will host a webinar on Friday, June 9th, at 10am EDT to share findings and lessons learned from two pilots of the Measuring Separation in Emergencies (MSiE) project, an inter-agency initiative intended to strengthen emergency response programs for unaccompanied and separated children. They will also offer recommendations for next steps in the development of tools and methods in the field.


Lumos es una organización internacional cuyo trabajo se centra en poner fin a la institucionalización de los niños a nivel mundial para el año 2050.


Lumos is an international organisation working to end the institutionalisation of children globally by 2050.


El Director de Programas e Incidencia estará ubicado en Panamá (aunque podrían considerarse otras ubicaciones), ocupará un puesto a tiempo completo, reportará directamente al Director General Adjunto y será responsable de la ejecución operativa general, la elaboración de políticas y la incidencia en la región de América Latina y el Caribe.


Based in Panama (alternative locations would be considered), this full time role will report directly to the Deputy CEO and is responsible for overall operational delivery, policy development and advocacy in the Latin America and Caribbean region.

Jamaica Observer,

A two month long inititative to evaluate the functions of children's homes in Haiti is underway; data will be used to identify which centres should be closed or refurbished as well as those that are compliant and licensed. 

Trinidad Express,

A multitude of complaints against Trinidad's Children's Authority spurs investigation.  

Anastasia J. Gage, Mai Do, and Donald Grant - Measure Evaluation,

This compendium contains the findings from a review of 13 projects providing HIV services to adolescents in PEPFAR-supported countries. 

Anastasia J. Gage, Mai Do, and Donald Grant - MEASURE Evaluation,

This document examines 13 projects serving HIV services to adolescents in PEPFAR-supported countries and provides a set of guidelines on best practices for adolescent and youth-friendly HIV programs. 

Judith A. Hunter - Jamaica Information Service,

From February 12 to February 18, 2017 Jamaica observes National Foster Care Regnition Week.