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The Interagency Child Protection Protocol aims to offer guidance and support on good practices for the identification, reporting, investigation, case management, and prosecution of child abuse cases in Anguilla.
This document, published by Catholic Relief Services, urges members of the Catholic faith community to consider the best interests of the child when partnering, or “twinning” with parishes in Haiti and undertaking charitable activities.
This Unified Resolution from the Twenty-First Pan-American Child and Adolescent Congress highlights resolutions and recommendations relevant to violence against children, recognizes achievements made by Member States in addressing violence against children, and presents 17 specific resolutions related to ending and preventing violence against children in the Americas.
In advance of the 21st Pan American Child and Adolescent Congress, an international consultation on the elimination of violence against children in alternative care was convened. This position statement from the consultation was presented at the 21st Pan American Child and Adolescent Congress.
El presente Informe, por la Comisión Inter-Americana de los Derechos Humanos, establece los estándares aplicables en el derecho de los niños a vivir en una familia y formula una serie de recomendaciones concretas a los Estados para apoyar a las familias en sus responsabilidades de crianza.
This country care review includes the care related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child as part of its examination of the second to fourth periodic reports of Saint Lucia (CRC/C/LCA/2-4) during its 65th Session at its 1892nd and 1893rd meetings held on 6 June 2014, and adopted, at its 1901st meeting, held on 13 June 2014.
This presentation from Innocenti’s Expert Consultation on Family and Parenting Support provides an overview of the National Approach to Parenting in Jamaica and the lessons learned from the program.
This report by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) analyzes children’s right to live and be raised by their families, and establishes the resulting obligations for States when it comes to supporting and strengthening families’ ability to raise and care for their children.
This study by UNICEF sought to identify key determinants of vulnerability among children –including those affected by HIV and AIDS – that can contribute to developing an improved global measure of vulnerable children in the context of HIV and AIDS. Data from the most recent available household surveys at the time of analysis was used from 11 countries – Cambodia, Central African Republic, Haiti, Malawi, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Swaziland, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe – were pooled.
Este trabajo pretende identificar los principales problemas que enfrentan los países de la región en relación al tema y desarrolla someramente algunos de los estándares de derechos humanos que deben ser observados, con el objetivo de contribuir sustancialmente a la adecuación de los sistemas de protección en lo que refiere a la utilización de la internación de los niños, niñas y adolescentes en las instituciones de protección.