Northern America

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List of Organisations

Nora McCarthy - Slate,

In this article for Slate, Nora McCarthy - director of Rise, a New York City organization that trains parents to write and speak about their experiences with the child welfare system and become advocates for reform - connects the family separation crisis happening at the US border with Mexico to the separations that occur within the US child welfare system.

Lindsey Tanner, AP - ABC News,

This article from ABC News in the US explores the harmful impacts of family separation on children's development and wellbeing.

Nina Feldman - WHYY,

The US city of Philadelphia’s Department of Human Services and Office of Homeless Services have partnered to develop a new program aimed at giving priority affordable housing for people whose children are in the custody of child welfare, according to this article from WHYY.

Scott Neuman - NPR,

A federal judge in California has ordered that all families who have been separated at the US border with Mexico as part of the Trump administration's "Zero Tolerance Policy" be reunited within 30 days, according to this article from NPR.

Annie E. Casey,

This year’s Data Book presents current data and multiyear trends measuring child wellbeing in the US along four domains: (1) Economic Well-Being, (2) Education, (3) Health and (4) Family and Community.

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, in response to the current situation of family separation at the U.S. border with Mexico, has issued a series of recommendations (endorsed by Better Care Network and others) calling for urgent action to rapidly reunify separated children with their families and end detention, in accordance with their best interests.

NPR Morning Edition,

In this brief radio segment from NPR's Morning Edition, Noel King talks to Sherry Lachman, ex-adviser to U.S. Vice President Biden and founder of Foster America, about the challenges ahead as hundreds of migrant children are separated from their families and sent to foster care throughout the United States.

Haylee K. DeLuca, Shannon E. Claxton, Manfred H. M. van Dulmen - Journal of Research on Adolescence,

This meta‐analytic review examines the presence and quality of close peer relationships for adoptees and individuals with foster care experience.

J. Jay Miller, Jacquelynn F. Duron, Jessica Donohue-Dioh, Jennifer M.Geiger - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study used Group Concept Mapping (GCM) with a sample of 31 foster youth and alumni to explicate a conceptual framework for effective legal representation.

Dana Dean Connelly, Kristina Rosinsky - Child Trends,

This brief highlights variation among states in child welfare agency spending from federal funding sources.