
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in the Americas. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Sarah Gesiriech - Medium,

In this blog post for Medium, Sarah Gesiriech, the U.S. Government Special Advisor on Children in Adversity, shares the U.S. Government's whole-of-government commitment to investing in the development, care, dignity, and safety of the world’s most vulnerable children as laid out in Advancing Protection and Care for Children in Adversity: A U.S. Government Strategy for International Assistance (APCCA). "The best investment a country can make to eliminate extreme poverty, boost economic growth, and promote a peaceful society is to invest in its children. When the family unit is strong, all other goals and outcomes for children are well within reach," says Gesiriech.

Howard Dubowitz, Scott Roesch, Amelia M. Arria, Richard Metzger, Richard Thompson, Jonathan B. Kotch, Terri Lewis - Child Abuse & Neglect,

The aim of this article is to examine the relationship between the timing and chronicity of neglect during childhood and substance use in early adulthood.

Barrett Bonella, Keeley Beirwolf, Lisa Coleman, Camille Sterger, Katharina Pulli, Clarissa Anguiano, Keirsten Barton - Global Social Welfare,

This study was aimed at assessing whether the Journey Up Mentorship Program in Salt Lake City improved outcomes for those aging out of foster care in the US state of Utah.

PeakCare Queensland, Inc,

This article describes David Tobis's keynote address at the Family Inclusion Network South East Queensland’s Global Day of Parents Forum and the story of the parents and allies who changed the child protection system in New York City.

J. Jay Miller, Jessica Donohue-Dioh, Jacquelynn F. Duron, Jennifer M. Geiger - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study investigated foster parent (N = 792) perspectives about the legal representation of foster youth involved in dependency court proceedings in the US.

Caitlin Dickerson - The Weekly - The New York Times,

This episode of "The Weekly," a tv series from the New York Times, tells the story of a 4 month-old boy who was separated from his father at the US border with Mexico as part of the US "zero tolerance" policy.

Melissa Radey & Lauren Stanley - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study used qualitative telephone interviews with participants sampled from a statewide cohort of newly-hired, frontline child welfare workers. The authors used thematic analysis to consider participants' training experiences and the conditions that facilitated meaning.


The Statistics Officer, Child Protection and Development will work within the Data Analysis Unit to support the statistical, monitoring and reporting work in the areas of Child Protection, ECD, and Child Disability.

Ben Raikes, Romeo Asiminei, Karene-Anne Nathaniel, Eric Awich Ochen, George Pascaru, Gloria Seruwagi - The Palgrave Handbook of Prison and the Family ,

This small pilot project was conducted to start to understand and compare the situation of grandmothers caring for children in a diverse range of countries when their parents are in prison.


Este informe documenta el proceso de la organización Fundamor a cerrar su internado y, con el apoyo de Lumos, reubicar a los niños y niñas internos en nuevas modalidades de atención familiar.