This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in the Americas. Browse resources by region, country, or category.
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This report by War Child aims to bring global attention to the challenges related to the reintegration of children associated with armed forces and groups, and promote better policy, practice and funding in the future.
This report explores what family means to children and adults in five countries using the digital storytelling technique.
Pese a que hay un consenso sobre la importancia del cuidado efectivo en las familias para los niños, existe una falta de discusión y acuerdo sobre los componentes precisos de este cuidado. Este informe contribuye a debatir sobre este importante tema al proporcionar perspectivas de los grupos focales con 198 niños y 81 adultos de Brasil, Colombia, Egipto, México, Rusia, Ruanda y Zimbabue.
There is extensive research demonstrating clearly the importance of a safe and caring family for child wellbeing and development. While there is consensus on the importance of effective care in families for children, there is a lack of discussion and agreement about the precise components of this care. This report contributes to debates on the components of family care by providing perspectives from nearly 200 children and over 80 adults from Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, Mexico, Russia, Rwanda and Zimbabwe. The report demonstrates that there are many commonalities in perspectives on and experiences of care across contexts.
In this opinion piece for the Christian Post, Kristi Gleason, vice president of global programs at Bethany Christian Services, explains why the US Christian community and others should be working to end the institutional care of children and promote family reunification and family-based care for children.
This mixed method study explores the postsecondary experiences of foster alumni in a large southwest urban area of the US.
The present article first provides an overview of the historical and socio-political context of family separation policies in the US, second a review of the literature on the impact of family separation on children and parents in diverse contexts, and third a description of direct clinical experiences with these children and parents receiving services at the Terra Firma program in the Bronx community in New York.
This volume explores universal social programs designed to serve entire communities as they move toward achieving population impact in reducing child maltreatment, strengthening parental capacity, and improving infant health and development.
In this brief, Ron Haskins, Kenneth A. Dodge, and Deborah Daro call for a system of psychosocial care for young families in the US, highlighting the the Family Connects program which aims to reach every family with a newborn child in a given community through a system that combines home visiting by trained nurses; community alignment through a directory of services to connect families to the resources they need; and data and monitoring through an electronic data system that acts as a family-specific psychosocial and educational record.