
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in the Americas. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Save the Children,

Save the Children is in search of a Regional Program Manager to work on its Regional Senior Management Team in Panama City, Panama.  The initial contract term is two years initially.


Elissa E. Madden & Donna M. Aguiniga - Upbring,

This paper reviews factors impacting the likelihood that a permanent placement will be attained for a child in care in greater depth, as well as several programs and initiatives implemented to support positive permanency outcomes in the United States.

Diego Silva Balerio y Pablo Domínguez Collette - UNICEF Uruguay y La Barca,

En esta publicación, a partir de la experiencia de trabajo y la reflexión sobre su propia práctica, La Barca ordena, sistematiza y pone a disposición de todos los actores del sistema de protección a la infancia de Uruguay los principales aprendizajes de la tarea realizada en los últimos años.

Anastasia J. Gage, Mai Do, and Donald Grant - Measure Evaluation,

This compendium contains the findings from a review of 13 projects providing HIV services to adolescents in PEPFAR-supported countries. 

Anastasia J. Gage, Mai Do, and Donald Grant - MEASURE Evaluation,

This document examines 13 projects serving HIV services to adolescents in PEPFAR-supported countries and provides a set of guidelines on best practices for adolescent and youth-friendly HIV programs. 

Regina Lawson - Capella University ,

A case study approach was utilized to investigate individually and as a group, the aging out process of nine sexual minority adults, specifically, lesbian, gay and transgender (LGT) adults who transitioned from a Mid-Atlantic foster care system to adulthood.

Regina Lawson - PhD Dissertation, Capella University,

This dissertation by Regina Lawson, submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Capella University, utilizes a case study approach to investigate the aging out process of nine sexual minority adults, specifically, lesbian, gay and transgender (LGT) adults who transitioned from a Mid-Atlantic foster care system to adulthood. It also explores the extent to which this group of youth, and LGBT youth, perceive their sexual orientation or gender identification impacts their experience of aging out of foster care into adulthood.

Catholic Relief Services -- Devex,

Catholic Relief Services seeks a Senior Technical Advisor—Orphans & Vulnerable Children to work as part of Central Africa Regional Office and Program Impact and Quality Assurance.

Judith A. Hunter - Jamaica Information Service,

From February 12 to February 18, 2017 Jamaica observes National Foster Care Regnition Week.


Under the guidance and direct supervision of the Senior Adviser, End Violence Against Children, the Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist will work with the members of the Secretariat supporting country engagement and partnership develop in monitor