
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in the Americas. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

Displaying 2981 - 2990 of 3085

List of Organisations

International Social Service,

Evaluates country level implementation of principles set forth in Guidelines.

Marinus H. van IJzendoorn, Maartje P. C. M. Luijk, and Femmie Juffer - Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, Volume 54, Number 3,

In this meta-analysis of 75 studies on more than 3,888 children in 19 different countries, the intellectual development of children living in children's homes (orphanages) was compared with that of children living with their (foster) families.

Office of Social Welfare of Guatemala, Holt International and UNICEF,

Assesses the causes and realities of children living in institutions in Guatemala with recommendations for systemic reform.

Jason D. Brown, Susan Rodger - Children and Youth Services Review,

A random sample of licensed foster parents caring for children with disabilities in a major Canadian city was asked “what are the problems you encounter fostering a child with a disability?”

UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre,

A great change is coming over childhood in the world’s richest countries. Today’s rising generation is the first in which a majority is spending a large part of early childhood in some form of out-of-home child care. This Report Card discusses the opportunities and risks involved in the child care transition, and proposes internationally applicable benchmarks for early childhood care and education.

Miriam Temin,

Examines the institutional challenges in implementing national social protection programmes

The National Technical Assistance and Evaluation Center,

This issue of A Closer Look examines:

Faith to Action Initiative ,

This resource is designed to be used as a guide for those in the Faith community working with orphaned children.

SOS Children's Villages - Bolivia,

Provides analysis on the implementation and outcomes of child abandonment prevention and orphan care programming in Bolivia.

Child Welfare League of America,

The CWLA National Adoption and Foster Care Training Conference is scheduled for December 10-12, 2007, in New Orleans, Louisiana. The conference will feature workshops and information on all facets of adoption and foster care.