
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in the Americas. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

American Bar Association Center on Children and the Law for The Child Welfare Services Division of The Michigan State Court Administrative Office,

The current assessment is the fourth in a series of independent assessments examining core systemic issues in Michigan’s child protection system.

Child Trends,

Explores the disparity in support given to children in formal foster care in the United States compared to those in informal kin arrangements


UNICEF, together with WHO, UNAIDS, UNFPA and WFP, invites you to the Mexico 2008 AIDS satellite session on "Keeping the promise: Unite for Children. Unite against AIDS". The session will take place on Monday, 4 August, from 6:30PM to 8:30PM in the Banamex Conference Center, Session Room 4.

Sheridan Bartlett - Human Settlements Programme, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED),

This paper discusses the probable impacts for children of different ages from the increasing risk of storms, flooding, landslides, heat waves, drought and water supply constraints that climate change is likely to bring to most urban centres in Africa, Asia and Latin America. 

Inter-Agency Task Team on Children ,

This report presents a broad overview of progress made and lessons learned in mounting national responses for children affected by AIDS and other vulnerable children. Based on review findings, future actions are suggested to strengthen national responses and ultimately, improve outcomes for children.

Examines the capacity of childcare institutions and the monitoring and reintegration meausures necessary to ensure child safety in such.

International Social Service,

Evaluates country level implementation of principles set forth in Guidelines.

Marinus H. van IJzendoorn, Maartje P. C. M. Luijk, and Femmie Juffer - Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, Volume 54, Number 3,

In this meta-analysis of 75 studies on more than 3,888 children in 19 different countries, the intellectual development of children living in children's homes (orphanages) was compared with that of children living with their (foster) families.

Office of Social Welfare of Guatemala, Holt International and UNICEF,

Assesses the causes and realities of children living in institutions in Guatemala with recommendations for systemic reform.

Jason D. Brown, Susan Rodger - Children and Youth Services Review,

A random sample of licensed foster parents caring for children with disabilities in a major Canadian city was asked “what are the problems you encounter fostering a child with a disability?”