
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in the Americas. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Anthony N. Maluccio, Cinzia Canali, & Tiziano Vecchiato,

This document provides a review of outcome research on family foster care services in Australia, Italy, United Kingdom, and United States of America. Further research directions to improve family foster care are suggested.

Martha Morrison Dore & Deborah Mullin,

This document provides an overview of the evolution of treatment family foster care in the US for youth with emotional or behavioral disorders, as an alternative to psychiatric hospitalization or long-term residential treatment.

Jamaicans for Justice,

Reports on an evaluation of the monitoring system for children in the custody of the Jamaican government. Highlights problems and inefficiencies inherent in the monitoring process. Includes recommendations.

Andrew Dunn and John Parry-Williams - UNICEF,

Detailed guidelines for the establishment of the Child Protection Service (CPS), designed to address the lack of regulations concerning standards in children’s institutions and the lack of departmental policy and procedures for assessing and assisting abused and at-risk children. Includes comprehensive set of CPS forms in 14 annexes.

International Labor Organization IPEC and PRO 169,

Guidelines to address the specific needs and rights of indigenous children in the context of child labour. Includes a comprehensive list of follow-up resources.

Mark Louden,

Examines a community-based care program for children living with HIV in Haiti called Arc-en-Ciel. Includes an overview of services provided (residential care, home based care, and community mobilization) and lessons learned.

Christopher Bold, Mary Henderson, and Rachel Baggaley,

A guide for faith-based organizations working in developing countries on issues related to orphans and vulnerable children. Contains examples of successful community-based and family support care programs throughout the world that are run by faith-based groups. Discourages the use of institutional care and orphanages.

Jacqueline Bhabha and Susan Schmidt,

The report details the scale and nature of migritaion by children entering the United States. It includes policy analysis and recommendations around the protection of seperated and unaccompanied children.

Miller L, Chan W, Comfort K, Tirella L.,

Since 1986, American parents have adopted over 17,300 children from Guatemala. This study assessed the health, growth, and developmental status of 103 Guatemalan adopted children (48 girls; 55 boys) after arrival in the United States. Physical evidence suggestive of prenatal alcohol exposure and adequacy of vaccinations administered were also reviewed.

Mark Loudon,

Country-based analysis of child vulnerability in Barbados, St. Lucia, and St. Vincent & the Grenadines. Includes statistical and demographic data on vulnerable populations. Identifies specific barriers to meeting regional needs in child protection.