
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in the Americas. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Child Welfare League of Canada, Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada,

In April 2021, the Child Welfare League of Canada (CWLC), in partnership with the Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada, led a series of cross-sectoral convenings with the goal of introducing a positive obligation for government and service providers to assist families who are experiencing difficulties in a context of poverty. This three-day event convened people across sectors to gain a better understanding of how the child welfare system responds to the conditions that place families at an increased risk of child protection involvement due to assessments of ‘neglect’. The goal of Beyond Neglect is to develop and champion evidence-based legislative frameworks that could help service providers and governments to better meet the needs of children, youth and their families.

M. Caridad Araujo, Marta Rubio-Codina, Norbert Schady - Inter-American Development Bank, Social Protection and Health Division ,

This document compares three versions of the same home visiting model, aimed at improving parent-child interactions and child development: the well-known Jamaica model, which was gradually scaled up from an efficacy trial (‘proof of concept’) in Jamaica, to a pilot in Colombia, to an at-scale program in Peru.

Krista Thomas and Charlotte Halbert - National Council on Family Relations,

This policy brief presents a list of recommendations for U.S. policymakers to transform the child welfare system by prioritizing maltreatment prevention, racial equity, and child and family well-being.

Gouvernement du Québec,

Après deux années de travail intense, la Commission spéciale sur les droits des enfants et la protection de la jeunesse (CSDEPJ) présente publiquement avec beaucoup de fébrilité son rapport final.

Family for Every Child,

In this How We Care series webinar, Family for Every Child presented the programming of three CSOs on how they are supporting kin carers and the vulnerable children in their care, in their respective regions.

Kevin P. Haggerty, Susan E. Barkan, Martie L. Skinner, Koren Hanson - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study experimentally tested proximal outcomes of Connecting, a low-cost, self-directed, family-based substance-use prevention program for foster families.

Rebecca Rebbe, Andrea Lane Eastman, Avanti Adhia, Regan Foust, Emily Putnam-Hornstein - Child Maltreatment,

The current study used population-based administrative records from California to assess how CPS responds to reported allegations of IPV, with and without physical abuse and/or neglect allegations.

Nina Shapiro - Seattle Times,

According to this article, a local group in Washington state in the U.S. is "advocating for a state bill, passed by the House in early March, that would tighten the criteria for taking a child from a home at the first stages of a case before a full fact-finding hearing before a judge." 

Tom Spiggle - Forbes,

According to this article from Forbes, two U.S. senators have reintroduced a family leave law called the Family and Medical Insurance Leave Act (FAMILY Act).

Sarah Font, Lawrence M. Berger, Jessie Slepicka, Maria Cancan - Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency,

The purpose of this study was to examine associations of foster care exit type (e.g., reunification with birth family, adoption, guardianship/permanent relative placement, or emancipation from care) with risk of entry into state prison in the U.S. state of Wisconsin and to examine racial disparities in those associations.