
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in the Americas. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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Elizabeth Lightfoot, Mingyang Zheng & Sharyn DeZelar - Journal of Public Child Welfare ,

This article describes the first United States-based national study to compare the rates of substantiation of maltreatment among cases reported to child protective services involving caregivers with and without disabilities.

Betsy P. Goulet,Theodore P. Cross,Yu-Ling Chiu & Susan Evans - Journal of Public Child Welfare ,

This paper chronicles the goals of the partnership and the planning and implementation of the Child Protection Training Academy, developed by the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services and the University of Illinois Springfield in the U.S.

Amanda Yoshioka-Maxwell, Eric Rice - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study sought to better understand the network characteristics of homeless young adults with a history of foster care.

Amanda Yoshioka-Maxwell & Eric Rice - Children and Youth Services Review,

Because social networks have been shown to impact behavioral health outcomes, this study sought to better understand the network characteristics of homeless young adults with a history of foster care.

Sonya Stevens, Richard Fiene, Daniel Blevins, Amber Salzer - Children and Youth Services Review,

The goal of this study is to identify predicative indicators that will assist in the development of a home study that will increase consistency within home studies and decrease timeliness of completion.

Sonya Stevens, Richard Fiene, Daniel Blevins, Amber Salzer - Children and Youth Services Review,

A mixed method correlational exploratory pilot was conducted in Washington State to determine items within the home study assessment that could be used as indicators to identify baseline requirements of the assessment and suggest anticipated depth (expansion or reduction) within the required topic(s).

Doris Chateauneuf, Marie-Andrée Poirier, Geneviève Pagé - Journal of Social Work,

Based on 39 semi-directed individual interviews with social workers from child welfare services, the current study aims at highlighting how social workers come to the decision to remove a child from parental care, and how they choose a foster family.

Colleen Henry, Bryan G. Victor, Joseph P. Ryan, Brian E. Perron - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study extends our understanding of use of failure to protect (FTP), a sub-type of neglect, by examining who workers substantiate for FTP, in what context, and the justifications they use.

Changing the Way We Care,

El objetivo principal del informe es sistematizar el procedimiento sustantivo en los Departamentos de Guatemala, Quetzaltenango y de Zacapa realizado por Procuraduría General de la Nación (PGN) en el que se individualiza el tipo de amenaza o vulneración en el caso concreto e identifica si la misma puede ser resuelta mediante una intervención gubernamental específica, sin necesidad de intervención jurisdiccional y su análisis. El documento contiene un estudio del Sistema de Gestión para la Atención Integral de la Niñez y la Adolescencia, en relación al funcionamiento por parte de la Procuraduría General de la Nación de Quetzaltenango, Guatemala y Zacapa, y un análisis de casos resueltos judicialmente en Zacapa que podrían haberse tramitado previamente en la vía administrativa y evitar la institucionalización (gatekeeping mechanism en ingles)

Emmanuel Grupper, Shachar Shuman - FICE Israel,

FICE Israel decided to initiate a short survey to document and share information about the way different countries handled their policies and practices in residential care facilities during that period. This report presents findings and some conclusions from this primary survey.