Southeastern Asia

Displaying 451 - 460 of 721

List of Organisations

Linda Reynolds,

Australian politician Lunda Reynolds, a Senator for Western Australia, issued a press release warning parents and schools contemplating helping Cambodian orphanages to proceed with caution to ensure they are not unwittingly taking part in “orphanage tourism." The Senator recently visited Cambodia to look at Australian aid projects.

Katherine Purvis and Lindsey Kennedy,

This article describes growing skepticism around the value of "voluntourists" for local communities around the work, and many NGOs are questioning the unregulated industry that brings many young, unqualified westerners to developing countries. Often, volunteers are ineffective in providing help to communities, and sometimes can even pose danger to the community members or themselves.

Claire O’Kane and Sofni Lubis - SOS Children's Villages,

This report is a case study of alternative child care in Indonesia. Research was conducted that found that with an estimate of 8,000 institutional facilities servicing 500,000 children, Indonesia was overly reliant on institutional care.

GHR Foundation,

This short video by GHR presents information on the Children in Familes program with a focus on Cambodia. GHR's grantees are supporting child protection interventions that strengthen families in order to prevention separation of children from their families.

The Independent,

The article describes the increase in "orphanage tourism" in Cambodia, which has led to many new orphanages being created to serve the country's tourism industry. 

Garazi Zulaika and Florence Martin - Better Care Network,

This country brief provides an overview of data on children’s living arrangements in Cambodia, extracted from the 2014 DHS survey.

Martin James Foundation,

As part of phase one of the development of the Martin James Foundation's Asia Care Network, comprehensive studies of the care system in each country were conducted to highlight the need for developing alternative care systems across South-East Asia. This case study highlights the relevant data from the Philippines.

UNICEF Cambodia,

This brief from UNICEF Cambodia describes UNICEF's plans and programs regarding child protection.

Tata Sudrajat, Dr. Kanya Eka Santi, Nurjannah - Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik ,

This book introduces the PDAK – Pusat Dukungan Anak dan Keluarga (Child and Family Support Centre) in Indonesia and the case management system utilized within the centre. 

Maternowska, M. C., A. Potts and D. Fry - UNICEF,

This study is a snapshot of a multi-country study involving Italy, Peru, Viet Nam, and Zimbabwe of how individual characteristics, interpersonal relationships, and the communities in which people live interact with institutional drivers to increase or reduce a child’s risk of violence.