Southeastern Asia

Displaying 391 - 400 of 731

List of Organisations

Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation, UNICEF, USAID,

This mapping significantly advances the current knowledge of the state of institutionalization of Cambodian children. 

Ise Bosch, Eva-Maria Hilgarth, Sarah Blakemore, Amani Njogu, Nguyen Van Hue, Karin Demuth – Dreilinden,

Dreilinden produced this working paper to improve practice in the area of *LGBTI children in care. This paper has texts in a variety of formats from around the world and contains three sections that cover research and tools, interviews, and practice examples.

Ian Lloyd Neubauer - Escape,

How some orphanages in Bali use children to get money from the government and donations from tourists.

Nikki Vargas – The Culture Trip,

An article from The Culture Trip about how orphanages in Cambodia manipulate families and deceive tourists.


An article from Stahili on how orphanages are used as marketing strategies to appeal to volunteers.

Marjan Mohammadzadeh, Hamidin Awang, Hayati Kadir Shahar, Suriani Ismail – Community Mental Health Journal,

This study aimed to assess the prevalence and risk factors of depression, anxiety, stress and low self-esteem among institutional Malaysian adolescents.

World Vision International,

World Vision International is in search of a Child Protection Manager to support World Vision Lao PDR’s strategic goal to bring change in the lives of children in Laos, particularly to ensure that children are protected and participate in development programs.

Asia Pacific Regional Network for Early Childhood,

The theme is “The transformative power of Early Childhood Development (ECD): The importance of holistic interventions” with three sub-themes covering (i) policies and programmes; (ii) equitable access and participation; and (iii) quality monitoring.

Lindsay Stark, Beth L Rubenstein, Kimchoeun Pak, Sok Kosal - BMJ Open,

The primary objective of this study was to collect baseline data on the number of children living in residential care institutions in Cambodia.

Carolyn Hamilton, Elizabeth Yarrow and Kara Apland - Coram International ,

This report evaluates UNICEF's child protection systems building approach in Myanmar, including the review methodology, findings, conclusions and lessons learned, as well as recommendations for the future.